Chapter Six

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"I did!"

"I don't believe it for a second!"

We both break out into laughter, earning glances from strangers in other booths. I reach for my large milkshake Théo offered to pay for. Once our laughter eases away I continue to devour my large burger and stack of fries that sit in the middle of the table in a red basket.

"So, what is a Florida girl like you doing in the big apple?"

I gulp down the bite in my mouth, wiping off a spot of ketchup from my hand.

"I have this list of tasks—a bucket list—that I want to complete. My first task was easiest to finish here."

He nods, his expression one of mere shock. "That's inspiring coming from you."

"Was that suppose to be offensive?"

Théo grins widely. "No offensive of course."

The sun sets and the moon climbs into the sky and the rain turns to a sprinkle in the puddles. The walk to the hotel was a constant battle of the small gap between us that seemed to grow smaller. The umbrella blocks out the droplets off the shop awnings. New York is just as much alive as it is during the day, the lights flashing brightly on the side of buildings. Cars splashing puddles dangerously close to us, making us flinch away in laughter.

"About what you said earlier. What was your first task on your bucket list?" 

I groan, covering my face in embarrassment. I fight the urge to reach for my earrings and play with them, and instead stuff my hands into my pockets.

"I dragged Owen to Sing-A-Long Shack around the corner."

Théo chuckles, running his hand through his silver strands. The umbrella tilts, water running down the side and onto my shoulder. But I'm distracted by the sparkle of light in Theo's pupils and the crinkle of his lips when he grins.

"So . . . what? Your first task was to sing karaoke?"

I point an accusing finger with cat-narrowed eyes. "I made that bucket list in fifth grade, don't judge."

He holds up the hand that isn't keeping the umbrella steady in defense. The hotel's glittering gold sign is only a few steps away as Théo stops and holds the door open.

"I take back what I said about getting you fired the other day."

He smirks. "I'm amazing at my job, aren't I?"

I wave him off, wiping away some the rain that happened to slip under the umbrella.

"Don't get ahead of yourself."

Théo and I say our goodbye's and make our ways to opposite ends of the hallways that lead to our hotel rooms. When I enter my room the door that connects Owen and I's rooms is closed, his television muffled by the wall. Sleep pulls on my muscles as I strip from my romper and into warm pajamas. As I head for my room the honking of frustrated drivers don't seem to push my sleep away, only putting me more at peace. As I fall under my covers and into a deep sleep my dreams begin to play like a slideshow.


The breeze blows coldly, the water of the tide rising higher. Sand turns darker as the water washes away and back into the ocean. The storm clouds above begin to release buckets of water down onto my head, my breath fogging in front of my view.

"It's your fault!"

My breath catches in my throat, as I slowly turn my back on the waves. The warm sun gone and replaced by nothing but freezing winter weather on the beach. Fynn faces me with an angered look, locks of hair stuck against his forehead from the downpour.

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