-Chapter 1-

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Hi my names lily, I'm your average teenage girl. Fangirl, you know "YouTube is life omge" we'll I'm more of a vine girl. So I like magcon, but there's this one boy I look up to. Jack dail. my type of music is dubstep and trap sometimes rap. The only person that can stand me is my best friend Tina, we've been basically sisters since first grade.

I wake up to my loud alarm of dubstep and fall to the ground. I need to change that. I get off the floor and go in my bathroom. I get in the shower and wash the salt off from the beach the previous day. After I get out of the shower I straighten my hair and put on my usual makeup, eyeliner and mascara. I put on my blue Jack sweatshirt with skinny jeans and blue vans.

I'm get my keys, grab my bag, and go pick up tina. I plug my phone into my car so I can play my own music. I turn on "bird machine" and start driving.

As I get to Tina's house she's already outside wearing her Troye Sivan shirt, shorts, and galaxy vans. Were pretty similar, same music taste, vans, and youtuber/vine obsessed. Were sista sista as we call each other.

As we get to school everybody gives us a weird look like they always do. We were the kinda popular girls, not the rude ones. The ones that are popular for being nice. Most other girls hated us but it didn't bother us because we have each other. It's just better that nobody knows that Troye is like my brother, not biological. I've known him since I was five. Our mothers are best friends so we grew up together.

If they knew that about me I would have a gang of fake friends that would use me to get to him and then ya it would just be a mess. School was the usual, guys hitting on us. Scratch that, the jocks hitting on us. I don't go for the boys here, I've been too into jack to even think.

"Uhh lily can you come over for dinner tonight?" ~Tina

"Uh yeah that's fine why what's up?"

"Umm I have to tell you something" ~Tina

I guess I should tell her too

"Uh ya me too"

-at home-

I walk in the door and see my mom cooking dinner

"Hey sweetie how was school?"

"It was good, can I go to Tina's for dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, why what's up?"

"We need to catch up on some things, have time together out of school n stuff"

"That's nice, you haven't hung out in a while."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go get ready"

"Ok have fun sweetie"

I decide to add a little curl to my hair, and put on concealer to hide the dark marks under my eyes from staying up too late thinking about him.

As I get to Tina's house I just walk in like I normally do. Tina's mom greets me with a hug and tells me to wait in the hallway upstairs since Tina's taking a shower. There like my second family. So I go on twitter and see jack has tweeted

"I love my fans 😘 I'm going to MA next week!! hope to see some of you there!"

I immediately scream and hear something fall in the shower



"let me finish my shower and we can catch up"


AAAHHHH my dream is slowly coming true! To meet jack dail! My cheeks are wet now, oh I'm crying. Tina's standing infront of me, dressed already staring at me

"Are you okay?"

"No, no, no, no, no, Ja-Jack D-Dail"

"Oh my god, breath, it's just jack dail"


"Umm can we talk?"

"Yeah sure"

"Alright let's go in my room."

We go in her room, turn on the light, and close the door

"Alright so not many people know this but.... I have a brother. He got adopted and he's coming soon."

"Aww what's his name?"

"Umm....Jack... Jack Dail."

A/n so this is the first chapter 😄 I hope you like it if anybody reads it. I'm going to post every two days so I'll post on Wednesday :) it may be a little short but I'll make the rest a little longer.

My best friends brotherWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt