-Chapter 3-

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A/n I have nothing against Troye being gay, I support it 100% he's just gonna be straight in this fanfic cuz my friend absolutely adores him☺️

Me and Tina start walking inside and I start shaking. My thoughts travel away and I can't controll them, the tears fill my eyes and I can't stop them from streaming down my face. I haven't seen Troye in a year, every second I miss his sweet voice more and more.

As soon as I know it I'm running into Troyes arms.

"Troye I missed you more than anything!!"

"Not more than I missed you"

"I think you should meet tina now"

I look over and see Tina and Jack crying into each other's shoulders.

"Tina I want you to meet Troye"

"NO WAAY!" she begins crying once more and runs into his arms. he kisses her cheek and tells her

"It's nice to finally meet you beautiful, I've heard a lot about you."

"Troye you have no idea how much you changed my life"

It might seem like I'm calm and stuff but I'm not, I literally can't breath. Crying harder than anything. i just stand there staring at the floor crying, and look up at Jack an see him walking over to me with his arms open.

I immediately jump into them, I feel like I was made to be here, right here in his arms. We stay like this for ages not saying a word. Just me crying, Jack tearing up, this is the best day of my life.

"I've wanted to meet you forever"

"Jack if only I could explain how badly I've wanted to be in your arms like this."

"I don't mean to be cheesy but does it feel like to you that you were made to be in my arms?"

I blush so hard, I can feel my face heat up.

"Does this explain?"

I say pointing to my tomato red cheeks

"Yeah, it's cute when you blush tho."

He says putting a hand on my cheek only making me blush harder.

I start crying again, and he pulls me in more

"Please stop crying, your too perfect to cry"

"N-no I'm not, you haven't seen perfect until you've seen Jack Dail"

"But I am Jack Dail"


"Please, don't cry anymore."

"I would if I could, but I can't."

"If I do this you could"

He cupped my face and put his soft lips on mine. I don't know if he felt the sparks but I could. I definitely felt them, and he didn't pull away, we stayed like this for what feel like forever. But to him, and in the real world it was probably five seconds. He finally pulls away and finished it off by kissing my cheek.

"Umm how long was that?"

"About a minute or two why?"

"Just checking I'm not dreaming"

"Your lips are soft"

"Jack we should go, Tina and Troye probably left"

"There right there" he says pointing at a shocked Tina and Troye

"Oh hey guys" I say with my face hearing and scratching my neck

"Ok you two my otp" They say in sinc

"Please, stop, let's go I want to sleep."

"How much sleep did you get?" Jack says turning me back to face him

"50 minutes"


"I couldn't stop thinking about coming here, don't judge"

"Don't worry, I got zero sleep, same reason"

"Alright let's go"

"Let's wait for them to finish"

"Oh" tina and Troye got lip locked

After there done we finally get to go. I need sleep. I don't even know if I'm going back to my house or Tina's house.

"Tina are we all going back to your house, or am I just dropping you guys off? Cuz Troye planned to stay at my house."

"Umm well... I want Troye to sleep over tonight if that's okay?" Tina said holding his hand.

"Ya but am I staying over too?"

"Please stay with me tonight." Jack says holding my free hand as I drive

"Am I going to end up living over there?"

"Maybe, so I can get to know you and Troye better?"

"We should all stay at Tina's house till Jack leaves. My moms been harsh lately and I don't feel like talking to her."

"Ya my moms off on a business trip for the next week or two anyways" Tina states

"This is going to be perfect" I sigh

A/n So! i hope you guys enjoyed reading this! i worked hard on writing this one so i hpe its enough to satisfy you tulips! i love you! Ill be updating either tomorrow or the next day depending on how anxious my friend tina gets :P <3

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