-Chapter 6-

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Jacks POV--

She won't wake up, she fell asleep and she's crying. Pretending to cut her arms with her fingers. I slowly put her on my lap and rock her back and fourth.

"Lily you need to come back"

"I love you... please don't cry"

Her eyes slowly open, she flinches and gets a look of fear in her eyes

"Lily what happened"

"My d-dream..... I-it was..... y-you were"

"Ok breath, calm down" I kiss her forehead hoping It will calm her down a little. She takes a deep breath and continues talking

"In my dream. you were proposing to me with a bacon ring. and I said 'I'm sorry jack, I think it's too soon, I love you but it's too soon' and you said 'are you fucking SERIOUS' and I said 'I'm sorry jack, I didn't mean it that way' and you said 'fuck you bitch'

She starts crying

" 'Fuck you bitch get our of my life' and you ran out the door and took my jeep. I just sat on the couch and cut, wishing I was dead." she's full out crying now

"Lily I would never hurt you, especially like that. I promise never to hurt you ever. I'll always be by your side. Eat your bacon. it's done."

"Thank you jack." she says hugging me close

"Your welcome. Are you okay to watch the movie?"

"If I'm okay to hug you after that dream I'm pretty sure I'm fine to watch the movie"

"Good, wait it's been an hour, Troye and Tina said they were going to take a nap for half an hour."

"We should wake them up."

"Yeah, we should"

Lily finishes her food and we go upstairs to Tina's room. We slowly open the door, there not sleeping.

"Umm should we come back later?" I say nervously

"Umm no it's fine, sorry you had to see that" Troye says

"We didn't realize that you two had a thing going on."

"It was just kissing. Not like u guys I'm the shower" Tina says sassy

"What the hell!! It was just a fucking shower!! I'm 16 for gods sake!!"

"Your age doesn't matter."

"Okay i know I'm perverted and stuff but not that bad. I'm not that thirsty."

"Whatever. I don't care anymore let's just watch the movie."

"Tina why do you care so much about me and lily?"

"Because jack, your my little brother and I don't want you fucking my best friend"

"We weren't doing that. You have to let me go one day. I'm not going to be your baby forever."

I walk out and shut the door.

"Lily Tina doesn't want us together"

"We'll we aren't like together together, we just have a bond."

"Umm... Yeah. let's just watch the movie"

Troye plays the movie and lily sits farther away from me. Half way during the movie she's flinching and looking away, she's scared I can tell. I scoot her closed to me wrap my arm behind her neck, she tries to pull away but gives up.

"Jack i was fine over there"

"No you weren't, I could tell by the look in your eyes you were lonely and scared."

"Why do you even act like this towards me?"

"Because lily.... I may like you.... alot."

A/n: I know it was short it was just a little something. It was kinda awkward writing that cuz I think I'm falling or him. And it's not in a fan way, like it feels like it's a crush at school so now I'm a little shy about it :3 but it hurts so freaking bad cuz I have 100% chance of not meeting or being with him. :'( I feel like crying now so I'm gonna go. I love you <3

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