-Chapter 2-

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A/n in the first chapter I said Jack was adopted but I'm going I change it. Tina an Jacks parents are divorced they've only been married for three years after Tina was born. Jack moved with their dad, and Tina stayed in ma with their mom.

"Your not that much blonde tho, your eyes are blue tho. oh I kinda see the similarity now."

"My mom is naturally blonde but she dyes it dark brown. My dad is naturally dark brown so I guess my hair is in the middle of them."

"And u both have them dimples."

"They curse you with cuteness"

"Especially his....."

"Stop crying, I promise everything's gonna be okay"

"This is gonna be awkward. Is he staying over your house?"

"He might be moving here. So he's going to school while he stays, which is gonna be for two months. So you'll have to pick us both up."

"Thee jack dail... is going to be sitting..... in my jeep....!?!??!"

"Chill, you'll get used to it."

"Ok my turn."


"So Troye, I grew up with him. He's like my brother. out moms are best friends."

"You've got to be frickin kidding my unicorns right!!?"

"No I'm not kidding, you can meet him if you want."


"chill, our dreams are coming true. now we need to stop crying and go downstairs for dinner."

"Wait Tina does Jack know about me?"

"Yep, I told him and he's excited to meet you."

"Awee, before you ask yes Troye knows about you. He's super excited to meet you."

-next day-

Me and Tina are going shopping for when we meet the boys cuz we wanna give our best impressions

We go to forever 21, American eagle, Off Broadway shoes, and Pink.

I got 5 crop tops adding to my collection, 3 pairs of skinny jeans, sadly 4 pairs of vans cuz I'm kinda maybe obsessed, and a skirt. Tina got similar stuff, along with a few hair bows.

-skip to day before jack comes-

"Tina how's this lamp here?"

"It's so cute!"

So I've decided to redo my room because I've wanted to for a while and I'm really crazy about giving good impressions on people, especially Jack Dail.

"Is it bad I'm kinda scared?"

"No don't worry I think it's normal, can we drive to my house and clean up? Jacks coming tomorrow."

"Of course. Anything for my sista sista."

"I haven't seen Jack in a year or two. I miss him more than anything. I mean we text and FaceTime every day but that's not enough."

"Aww. I think were both gonna cry."

"I'm sure you'll choke up and stop breathing."

"You know me so well"

"Hey lily, I know you wanna make a good impression on Jack. But please don't change your personality. Act like yourself, dress like yourself, be how you are infront of Troye. Yourself. Jack likes when his fans cry infront of them. Your lucky for this one, he loves it when girls are insecure about themselves because he gets to tell them how beautiful they are. It tuts him on when girls are themselves around him. He'll love you"

"Wow. That helped me loosen up a little. I'm getting more excited than nervous, OMGE it's tomorrow."

"Let's go to my house"

~at Tina's house~

"We have to do the dishes and laundry, and fix the guest room. Just clean up about any mess you see"

Let's just say it's not the cleanest I've seen this house. Tina's parents work a lot so they don't get much time to clean. There's a lot of sleepovers at this place. Small parties and stuff from time to time, so at this point the messes just pile up and there's a lot to do.

By 11:30 at night the house is spotless. It's so late I just decide to call my mom and tell her what's up, so I'm sleeping over. Me and Tina actually painted the guest room for Jack. We painted two walls red, and two grey. Just like his at home, Tina's visited so she knows what it all looks like.

I actually decided to sleep in here tonight just cuz it's kinda jacks room now. But not totally cuz he's not even here yet. I'm going with Tina to pick up Jack from the airport. We have to wake up at 3:30 so we won't get much sleep. I have a surprise for her at the airport.

By the time I get to bed it's 1:00

I can't fall asleep yet I'm the most tired girl In the world, so I just count down the minutes 150, 149----- 50, 49 but then sleep took over me.

I start to feel something pouncing on the bed



"awee somebody can't stop thinking about Jacky wacky"

"Shut up, I think everybody knows that."

"Get dressed and eat breakfast we have to leave soon"

"Are we going to be late?"

"Not if you get your filthy ass up"

"Heyy I took a shower last night! and Get out cuz I'm not putting on a strip show"

I shove her out and get clothes out of my bag. I grab my white crop top, blue skinny jeans, and white vans with black laces. I do my usual makeup, and straiten my hair and add a little but of curl at the ends.

I go to the kitchen and grab a banana and a mini chocolate chip muffin cuz I'm too anxious to be hungry. As I finish the muffin tina walks in wearing a creme colored loose crop top, black high waisted shorts, and light blue vans with floral laces.

"Hey bæ"

"Grab a banana or something, I'm gonna wait in the car."

"Okey I have to run up quick and get my purse and I'll get food on the way out."

"Kk see u outside"

I grab my Keys, along with my purse with my phone packed inside.

I get in my jeep and turn on Bluetooth and start playing "raindrops" on medium volume. I look out the window and notice it's still dark out, barely any cars.

I see tina locking the door to the house and hop in the car.

"Alright let's get this over with shall we?" Tina says as I back out of the driveway.

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