-Chapter 7-

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A/n so im writing this on my computer, and half the screen is filled with adds and videos. They keep bringing me to different websites i didnt click on and its really annoying. So this might be awkward, for me. Cuz i have a crush on jack dail, not in a fan way just......god.......ughhhh. ill stop blabering now. ilyyyyyy

Troye's POV---

So me and tina had a make out session...... i  think were official but im going to make sure, and take her out for dinner tomorow. During the movie she snuggles up close to me, just as i like. I look over to lily and Jack and lily has fallen asleep cuddled into a litte ball up to jack. There honestly really cute together, but its weird seeing lily act like this since she used to be all "i hate guys" "i dont want to fall in love"

Just that girl that doesnt like falling in love, or doesnt want a boyfriend. I know thats not true tho, shes just affraid of pouring her heart out and them breaking her heart, shes affraid of being broken.

"Tina would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow?"

"I would love that, where are we going?"

"its  surprise, now go to sleep"

"im gonna fall asleep right here."

"before you do that look at them" i say pointing to lily and Jack

"thats amazing" she says with a tear roling down her face, slowly falling asleep

"i love you tina"

"i love you too troye"

Jacks POV---

After lily fell asleep, i could hear tina and troyes convo, there a little more oficial than us. Why are they making a big deal out of this? Oh well, ill ask troye tomorrow.


As i get up i see troye and tina aren't on the couch anymore. Maybe they went to the store to get the stuff i asked them too. Im planning someting really special for lily, so while im setting up tonight i need one of lily's friends to take her shopping, tina can't cuz shes going out to dinner with troye. I went on lily's phone last night and texted some girl named amanda on her contact list, asking her to take lily shopping and convince her to buy a dress and heels, considering she hates dresses an heels. As i snap out of my thoughts as lilys starting to wake up

"Good morning"

"Morning princess"

"Wheres tina and troye?"

"They went to the store t get some stuff. Your going shopping with amanda today"

"AAAHHHH i dont like her tho! shes so bossy and i havent talked to her in years."

"Well text her and say you dont feel good and ask somebody else"

"Why do i have to go shopping, i already have enough vans."

"I thought it would be nice for you to get out and have fun with you friends"

"I'd rather stay here with you tho! The only friend i have left is tina! And kinda smeody else but shes in florida."

"Well why dont you go with tina before she leaves?"


"well aren't you hyper for a girl thats been sleeping alot fo the past two days and just woke up."

"i want to go back to sleep"

"Why have you been so tired lately? sleep until they get back"

"i dont know i just feel different, i feel weird. Its hard to explain"

"Well i hope your better by tonight, now sleep loved one" Im so cheesy

she giggles and snuggles back into me. I wonder whats wrong, why its hard to explain, why its so easy for her to fall asleep, why shes so tired, and why shes so happy. Once again, i have to ask troye he'll know he's known her for his whole life. When they get back lilys still asleep.

"Damn why down she sleep so much?!" Tina says shocked.

"I was going to ask that"

"Jack i need to talk to you" Troye says helping me up being careful not to wake up lily. We go into my room and i sit on the bed.

"Troye why has she been so tired, sleeping so much, really hyper, and happy?"

"Jack, she doesnt usually like guys. She used to be anti-boyfriend, your the first guy shes loved. Becuse she would always be scared that if she pours her heart out she'll get broken. I mean she would talk about wanting somebody to hug and tell she loves, but was never interested in anybody. When she found your vine, she was 14 and you were almost 16. Your not that far apart in age, just like 1 year and 4 months. So anyways shes scared, she doesnt want to loose you. She let herself fall in love with you because there would be nothing to loose, she wouldnt get broken, she was very down of herself, when you would tweet her she would cry. She thought she never would meet you, the day before her and tina were picking you up at the airport she texted me, she was terrified that you wouldnt like her. But now shes happier than ever to have you. She used to not be able to sleep, so now her bodies getting used to getting her sleep back because she has you. That was a speech...... Jack you've changed her, thank you, but if you hurt her you have no idea what your getting yourself into"

"Wow, i didnt know i meant that much to her.... I've always tweeted her more than any other fan because she treated me like a normal person.. i always Dmed her every week."

"Okay go back to your princess."

"Thank you Troye."

"No problem, anytime bro"

I walk out of the room with relief and pride. Lily is awake sitting in the kitchen with tina talking about stuff. I walk up to her and spin her chair and kiss her

"Lily i love you"

"Jack i love you too."

A/n JUST AS I WAS FINISHING THIS OUR DOOR OPENED AND I LOCKED IT!!!!! IT CLOSED AND SOMEBODY GROWLED AND NOW IM CRYING!!! GHOST OR NAWW!! I THINK SO!! THIS ISNT THE FIRST TIME ITS HAPPENED!!!! also i write these a day or two before i publish them so i can have time to write more and not be behind

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