-Chapter 5-

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Troyes POV---

I can't sleep, Tina's on the opposite side of the bed. I turn her over and snake my arm around her waist. He kisses me on the lips, snuggles into my chest and slowly falls asleep.


I wake up with Tina still snuggled into me, lightly mumbling in her sleep. I get up trying not to wake her but fail.

"Hey baby, where u going?"

"I was gonna get dressed and pick out a movie for all of us to watch"

"Oh that sounds fun. We'll I should get dressed as well."

After we get dressed we pick out a horror movie for all of us to watch. We slept in considering we came at 4 am, it's now 1 pm. We go into Jacks room to find him and lily still sleeping.

"Hey wanna prank em?" I say whispering

"Oh my god yes"

"Go find the biggest bucket and fill it with cold water"

"I like where this is going."

We fill up the bucket in Tina's bathroom so they don't wake up. We walk in jacks room and position the bucket

"3, 2, ,1" we dump the bucket and water splashes everywhere


"Ughh" jack groans as he falls off the bed


"Say hi to the cameras"

"Fuck you" she says as she flips them off

"Come on tina"

I take her hand and bring her in the car with me. Because I don't know what the bed looks like so she has to pick them out.

Lilys POV--

"Jack I'm taking a shower, I'm freezing"

"I'm coming with" He says grabbing my hand

"Why do you need I come. I'm really insecure"

"I'm freezing, I can't wait. I love insecure girls. Because I get to tell them how perfect they are."

"Fine just no frickle frackle"

He pouts as we get into the bathroom. I get in the shower and turn around so he can't see me. I hear jack get in and he starts washing my hair, not his own.

"Jack you have your own hair"

"But yours is prettyyyyyy"

"Fine go ahead. Suit yourself."

He finishes washing my hair and puts his head on my shoulder.

"You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now" he says kissing my cheek and neck.

"Then do it"

he turns me around and pulls us closer sweetly kissing me. He starts getting more needy, licking my bottom lip for entrance as I gladly let him in. This lasts for a few minutes as he realizes what I said before

"Oh, no frickle frackle"

"Good boy"

I say smiling and gently slapping his cheek. We get out of the shower after I wash his perfect dirty blonde hair. I have to wear his clothes again, which Jack likes. He puts on light grey sweatpants along with black socks with lime green palm trees.

"That's my favorite shirt" I say pointing to his bear chest.

"We'll I'll make sure to wear it often"

I laugh as he grabs my hand and pulls me I to the living room. We stay like this for about 10 minutes when Troye and Tina burst through the door.

"Here's your stuff"

"Thanks Trina" Trina is Troye and Tina's ship name :3 they both turn red.

"Shut up. Me and Tina picked out a movie for all of us to watch later."

"Cool, is it horror. It better be horror"

"Yes don't worry we know you love horror"


"CHILL!! It's Mama. We know you've been wanting to see it for a while"


"Do we really have to right now?! I wanted to relax first. We'll play it in 30 k?"

"Go make some baby's" I say snuggling more into jack

"I'm pretty sure you two already did"

Troye says making perverted hand motions


"WOA WHAT" Tina and Troye say getting over protective of me and jack

"Calm down, I was cold and we took a shower. Nothing happened chill your balls" jack says patting my back and talking to Trina

"Nothing better have happened. I'm keeping my eye on you Jack Dail"

Tina says doing the 'watching you' motion with her fingers

"Were gonna take a nap, wake us up in 30"

"Kay Troye boy"

"Jack I'm want food"

"I'll make you some, you lay down"

"I want bacon"

"Your lucky they bought some"

"YAY! Thank you Jacky wacky"

"Oh no, here come the silly nicknames"

"Jacky wacky, Jacky dailey, tacky jacky"

"Just lay down"

"Kay thank you jacky"


"Lily will you marry me?"

Jack says holding a bacon ring

"Jack I think it's to soon, I'm sorry I really do love you. but It's to soon"

"Are you fucking SERIOUS!?"

"Jack I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way."

"Fuck you bitch, get out of my life"

he says running out of the house. taking my jeep along with him. I sit on the couch for hours. Crying, cutting, wishing I was dead.... I'm being rocked back and fourth am I dead?!

You have to wake up... I need you here

I love you... don't cry.

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