-Chapter 10-

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Lily 's POV--

I've been depressed, even though I have Jack... wait he's not mine. That hurt more than anything

"excuse me I have to go to the bathroom."

I run upstairs into the bathroom and sit on the counter after locking the door. No I'm not going to cut, I think about it but I don't do that. I just think about what's going on. Time has passed on, it's been a few weeks since Jack and Troye came. I don't know why I'm sad,Jack told me he loves me but when we go to school he calls me his "bud" acts like nothing's happening.

Just brush it off your fine. Get dressed and drive yourself to school. I throw on skinny jeans, red vans, and a black MAGcon hoodie. I leave my hair in its natural state of a curly wavy mess and throw on my nerdy glasses since I didn't feel like putting in my contacts. I don't even bother with makeup, I'm too lazy and upset for that shit. I run through the room and trot downstairs past everybody.

"Hey uhh I need alone time...uhh... there's a bus stop a few feet up the street.....uhh.... oh Tina can drive you guys...bye"

I quickly grab my bag, phone, and keys along with a mug of coffee to keep me awake during the long dreaded day of school awaiting me. I'm an hour early so I just sit on the swings and listen to music, I don't know why but I begin crying. I feel bad for leaving them behind, but I need alone time, my phone blowing up with texts but I just ignore them. People start to walk into school, buses start to pile in, so I walk in and go to my first class 20 minutes early. The teacher looked at me like I was crazy, but I just player's music.

I dreaded first block, Jack is in it, he sits next to me thank God were allowed to listen to music with one headphone in. I choose the right side since Jack sits on that side of me. Counting down the minutes, Jack walks in along with the mob and sits down in his place.

"What's wrong? What happened this morning?"

I don't respond

"I swear if it's something I did I won't talk to you ever again"

"Its....I don't know exactly."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head and put my hood around my ears not completely covering my head.

"Please tell me"

"Jack, it's like I feel like we're friends with benefits"

"If I'm hurting you I can leave"

"Jack, tell me...how you feel... because I'm not sure you feel the same way about me as I do you"

"Well you two save it?! I'm trying to teach a lesson!" the teacher barks out

"Yeah save it up your ass" I mumble under my breath

"Ok write down the list of square numbers please"

This class is stupid, I'm not in fifth grade. After class the rest of the day Jack gives me apologetic little smiles that break my heart and then put the prices back together. I know what to do now....

A/N AAAHAHHAAH CLIFFHANGER I love you guys that read this :) byee

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