Parts of Black's diary:

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Parts of Black's diary:

 On the day I arrived in the new city I thought I was getting rid of the problem and that I would be able to live like any normal person, without insulting and finger-pointing at me. I was wrong, at least in the beginning. When I first saw girls,they thought about me the same as everyone else, especially Rose. My black thoughts came back. I watched my arm that almost recovered from the scars that were made earlier. I wanted to do it again. Yes, I did it. I wasn't even close but I was left with an open wound that hurt.

 The day after that I saw an ad for the agents, I knew it was dangerous so I hoped I could die. I had nothing to lose. The five of them already applied. They were very scared when they saw me ... as if they knew I was a bad person... Rose trembled the most at that moment. I wanted to stand before her and tell her, "Don't be scared, I would never hurt anyone!"

 During the mission it happened to stay alone with Rose in the struggle for life. I didn't have time to say anything to her, the guards came. Then, for the first time, someone saw my scars. She saw the damn wound that found the perfect moment to bleed! Uh. It was uncomfortable. It was very, very uncomfortable. I can only imagine how it was for her.

 Anyway, it was the last suicide attempt. After the mission, I had to go to a psychiatrist occasionally and the girls helped me a lot. Even we were all different, we accepted each other without condemnation.

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