Chapter 3

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        "So I found out something today." I said as I sat down and he took off his mask again and sat beside me. "Pray tell My dear." He said, looking at me. I locked eyes with his hazel ones. "Well it does seem Raoul remembers her. He went to talk to her tonight but I stopped him before leaving, telling him the news that her childhood friend remembering her would overwhelm her and she wouldn't be able to focus on and perform her best tomorrow." I said. He nodded. "That does complicate things." He said. "I suppose it does." I said and sighed. "But you can do this Phantom." I said. "Erik. Call me Erik." He said and I nodded, testing out his name and then smiling. "Alright then, I would say call me Estel but you have been." I said and chuckled, causing him to chuckle as well. 

        "Tell me of this school you teach at." He said. "The children are wonderful, so eager to learn and they absolutely adore learning to sing and read music. I have a few that I teach piano too as well, I hope to be able to get new instruments for them soon but I haven't the slightest clue how I am going to get away with purchasing that many musical instruments and the tools to keep them clean and stay unknown." I said. "What instruments are they wanting?" He asked. "Hmm well four of them want to learn the flute, five want to learn piano; which I have but it needs to be tuned, and two wish to learn violin." I said. "When did you say you go back next?" He asked. "Three days from today. I'd ask if you would like to go but I know you do not like to get away from here for fear of being seen." I said and he nodded. 

          "Would you like to know more about the school? I do not wish to bore you with the details if you do not wish to know more." I said. "No, please tell me more. Hearing of the outside world is...nice." He said and I smiled. "Alright. Well we teach them basic math and crafts. And then reading and writing. The school's in a small area, in an abandoned shop but it's big enough for the children we have. The children are orphans at the orphanage nearby and the ward there escorts them to the school five days a week. It's really the only time they get out of the place. They're such wonderful children and they absolutely love to learn. We hope that by giving them an education they can grow up to be something more than just lowly peasants with no name attached to them." I said. 

                                                                  Erik's POV

          I watched her as she rambled on about the school and children and caught myself smiling ever so slightly. I never really realized how adorable she was when she spoke of something she was passionate about but then again I never really spoke with her as much as I did Christine under the guise of the Angel of Music. Her eyes lit up like she was looking at fireworks and her smile was so pure and contagious. It was genuine and she looked off into the distance, no doubt imagining the faces of the kids and the other two women she worked with. It was clear she loved what she did but she also loved this place just as much and so she split her time between the two as best she could. She told me she sends a monthly supply of food and clean water under her grandmother's name to the orphanage where the children lived. 

           I listened intently until she realized she was rambling by this point and her cheeks turned the color of rose petals and she looked at the piano keys, playing with her fingers. "I'm sorry, I rambled." She said and I chuckled. "It's quite alright Estel. Hearing about the outside was nice for me. I haven't heard anything about it in some time now." I said and she looked at me, her emerald eyes locking with mine. She smiled again, her cheeks turning back to her normal color. "So how did you get to becoming the Phantom of the Opera?" She asked. I frowned and she noticed, her hands coming up and making quick motions. "You don't have to tell me if ou don't want too." She said. "No, it's alright. I'll tell you." I said and she nodded, her face coming to a serious expression, her pouty lips forming a straight line. This expression was vastly different from the smiles she was giving all this time. 

          "When my mother learned of her pregnancy to me she took poison in hopes of ridding herself of me, which is how I was born with this cursed burn on my face. When she failed to kill me in the womb I was given to the circus where I was put on display as the devils child and beaten. They fed me enough to keep me alive and that was it. A young girl took pity on me and helped me escape and led me to this Opera House, where she took care of me as best she could until I was able to take care of myself. I grew up here from then and haven't left." I said, sparing her the gory details of the beatings and keeping the girl who had helped me a secret. "I'm so sorry that happened to you." She said, her eyes holding pity and sadness. "Do not take pity on me. I am not so very pitiful am I?" I asked. "No, certainly not. I just feel bad that something so horrid happened to a young boy." She said and then took a deep breath, her eyes closing. When they met mine again they were set and painful emotions swirled inside of them. 

           "Erik, since you told me such a painful backstory, I'll answer your question from last night. I'll tell you of the reason I came here to live and the reason my parents came to disown me." She said, her lips already quivering as the memories came back to her.   

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