Chapter 8

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             The next morning I got ready for the day. I put on a simple green cotton dress and left my hair down. After putting on shoes on I grabbed my cloak and ran out to the stables, arriving a few minutes before seven. Erik stood there waiting, pacing and I smiled. He wore a cloak, his face hidden in the darkness it provided but I was sure he wore his mask beneath it. I grabbed his hand and paid the stable boy for a horse. "Come on up." I said, patting the spot behind me and he climbed up. "The horses are usually terrified of me." He said, his voice low. "Mary here loves most anyone. If she doesn't like you, you're truly a despicable person. I suppose you have more good in you than you first thought." I said as he held lightly to my waist. I had Mary trot to the school. 

           After we arrived she neighed and I tied her up next to the food and water I had installed there for her and I told Erik to stand outside for a moment. I walked in, closing the door and smiled as the children piped up with "Good morning Miss Knight!" 

                                                         Erik's POV

         I listened through the door as the chorus of children greeted Estel. They sounded delighted to see her. "Hello everyone, I have something, or should I say someone, special with me today. Would you like to meet him?" She asked them. Excited yes's sounded. She giggled. The door opened and she ushered me in and removed my cloak, the children's eyes locking onto me. "This is Erik. He's my teacher." She said. "Hello Mr. Erik!" They greeted, toothy smiles directed at me. "Hello." I said and nodded. "He's going to listen to your performances today and give you each tips once you're done. Listen carefully to what he says OK and do your very best today." She said and walked over to the piano. The kids attention followed her and they were smiling, some bouncing in their seats in excitement. 

           "Alright, first up is Mike. Do you remember the song or would you like the words?" She asked. "I have it this time Miss Knight! I promise!" The boy said. The children were no more than anywhere between eight and eleven. Mike must have some memory issues. He walked up and I stood in the back of the room. "Remember to project but always be sure you're on key and on time." She said and he nodded. She began playing and I listened. The kid had decent projection but it seemed his memory slipped and he slowed down a bit. His voice wasn't bad either. ONce he was done his cheeks were pink but the other kids still clapped. "You did really good today Mike. You remembered more than last time! I'm very proud of you. Remember, you cannot be embarrassed for something out of your control, the more you practice the better your memory will get. Now, let's see what Erik has to say." She said and the kid smiled at her and the turned his attention to me. 

             "Your voice isn't bad child. As Estel said, practice more and you'll remember better. A tip, if the sheet music is near you, peek at it but be discreet, do not let the audience see you peek." I said and the kid nodded, thanking me and then taking his seat. "Alright, next up is Amy and Sally." She said and the conjoined twins stood, running to the front and smiling. "We've been practicin' real hard Miss Knight." They said. She smiled at them and nodded. She began playing and the two began singing a cute little duest, they're voices different but complementary to each other. Amy was a bit off key and the excitement made them rush a bit. Once they were done Estel turned to me. "Let's see what Erik has to say." She said and the two turned to me, eager. "Don't let the excitement rush you through the song, you were a bit fast. Be sure to listen to one another as you do duets as well as the playing instruments." I said and they nodded. 

         We finally got to the last child, one of probably eight and she held a small stuffed bunny. "Arwen, are you ready?" Estel asked her gently. The child seemed nervous but excited as she nodded. "Alright, don't be afraid. Everyone here is nice. Just do your best." She said and Arwen nodded, looking up at Estel and giving her a small grin. The small girl looked out at everyone. One eye was brown and the other blue. Estel began to play and Arwen sang. She was a very talented child. Her small voice projected well but her nerves made it quiver slightly. Once she was done the other children cooed and applauded her. "What did you think Mr. Erik?" She asked me. "You have a very pretty voice. Don't let your nerves get you, try practicing in front of the other children and maybe sing when you walk here. It'll help you get over them." I said and Arwen smiled and nodded, turning to Estel. She grabbed the skirt of Estel's dress and gave a couple gentle tugs, getting her attention. 

             "Miss Knight, can you and Mr. Erik sing for us?" She asked. "Both of us?" She asked. "Yeah! Duet!" Arwen shouted and the other kids began chanting for a duet. She smiled. "That's entirely up to Erik children." She said and they turned to me. I hadn't planned to sing with anyone but Christine but the pleading eyes of the children made me nod. I walked upfront and had Estel move and I played a few quick chords to be sure it was tuned properly. 

         I began playing and looked at her. 

Phantom: 'No more talk of darkness,

Forget these wide-eyed fears;
I'm here, nothing can harm you,
My words will warm and calm you.
Let me be your freedom,
Let daylight dry your tears;
I'm here, with you, beside you,
To guard you and to guide you.' 

          I sang and she looked at me, nodding

Estel: 'Say you love me every waking moment,

Turn my head with talk of summertime.
Say you need me with you now and always;
Promise me that all you say is true,
That's all I ask of you.'

             She sang, our eyes locked.

Phantom: '  Let me be your shelter,

Let me be your light;
You're safe, no one will find you,
Your fears are far behind you.'

Estel: ' All I want is freedom,

A world with no more night;
And you, always beside me,

To hold me and to hide me.'

Phantom: ' Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime;

Let me lead you from your solitude.
Say you need me with you, here beside you,
Anywhere you go, let me go too,
Estel, that's all I ask of you'

Both: ' Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime;

Say the word and I will follow you.Share each day with me,
Each night, each morning.'

              We ended it there and I stopped playing. Her face was red and she looked out at the children, her face instantly melting into a smile. "That was bea'tiful Madame Knight." A woman with strawberry hair said. "Thanks Sam." She said. "Will Mr. Erik be coming back Miss Knight?" Arwen asked her and Estel turned her attention to me. "I'll come back, perhaps I'll come here once a week if you want me too." I said, not realizing the offer until it was a bit too late. They cheered and the ward for the Orphanage came in. "Hello Madame Knight." She said, curtsying at Estel. Estel curtsied back and nodded her greeting. "I want to personally thank you for the monthly supplies Countess. They are greatly appreciated." The Ward said. "I am hardly Countess Miss. But you are very welcome. I'll continue to donate as I can." Estel said. "With your Uncle's Death came the investigation of your family Countess. You're old case came to light, the one your Grandmother began, and your parents were ordered to give up their titles. I was present at the court when it was done. You should receive word within the week of your new title and fortune." The Ward said. "Thank you Madame." Estel said. "I make it my place to know the important details of the people supporting these children, forgive me for the intrusion of your family business." The Ward said. "All is well, I suppose I have some thinking to do. Please, take care Madame." She said and the ward left with the children.

            "Countess hm?" I asked her as we rode back to the Opera House. "I suppose I am now. Word will reach the Opera House soon. I fear what the new managers might do. I wish not to leave but a Countess as a chorus girl would cause an outrage." She said and I sighed. "Perhaps you do have to leave your position, it is not likely they will kick such a wealthy woman out entirely. Perhaps you will rise to a well  and accepted position." I said and she sighed. "Too much has happened in such a short time and yet I cannot bring myself to regret that my Uncle was killed. I would prefer this struggle to the knowledge that, that man was still alive." She said and I smiled. 

            Back at the Opera house the show I had directed was about a week or so away. I had overhead the manager's plans to try and capture me after we had gotten back and I had been walking the tunnels. ' Too bad for them I shall be elsewhere.' I thought, smiling. I thought of the show but Estel's face kept coming forward, her smile and the way her eyes twinkled. They way her face lit up in red as we sang that duet, the duet I had originally intended to sing with Christine when she was finally mine. I sighed, trying to focus on the show. 

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