Chapter 4

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          Her face seemed to be fighting back the overwhelming emotions and then she took another deep breath. "When I was about seven I came here because my family disowned me. The reason I was disowned has to do with my uncle on my Mothers side of the family. She would take me to his house and leave me there while Father was at work and she went out with her friends to cafes and shopping. I was left there alone with him from when I was three until I was disowned. When he first...touched me I wasn't sure what was happening and he told me it was OK, that all uncles did this to their nieces. I believed him until my Mother told me about the importance of my virtue and that my body should never be touched by a boy. Defiling it would cause no one to want to marry me." She stopped and took a deep breath, letting it out as tears rolled down her face.

             After a moment her eyes opened again. "I told my Uncle the next day that my Mother had told me no one was supposed to touch me the way he was trying and he hit my for the first time ever. That same day he raped me. I was about five at this time and this continued for two years until my Grandmother walked in, surprise visiting me while I was at my uncles and she seen him holding me down, raping me right there in the parlor. I remember I was crying and begging him to stop and then I cried harder when my Grandmother had seen what was happening. I was afraid she was going to hate me for some reason. This was when I was about seven, not long before my parents disowned me. He rushed off of me and she ushered me out of his home and into her carriage, quickly taking me to her house. When Mother came back to pick me up it was later than usual as she had learned from my Uncle that Grandmother had taken me to her house. The next day my Father was home and so was Mother and Grandmother told them of what she had witnessed. They pretended to be upset and care and when she left they beat me and threw me out with my clothes and that was all. I was taken to the orphanage and when my Grandmother caught wind of what had happened she changed her will last minute and passed away not long after. A few days later Madame Giry came and got me from the orphanage and she had Christine and Meg by her side. I was told part of my Grandmother's will was that Madame Giry take me in and I have been here since." She said, her eyes leaking a steady stream of tears as she looked me in the eyes. 

                Before I knew what I was doing I hugged her close to and she began sobbing. How any family member could do something like that and then not get the hatred from others in the family was beyond me. "Where is your uncle now? Did he ever get what he deserved?" I asked. "Last I heard he was still alive and living in that same house he did those things to me in." She said as she continued to cry. I stroked her hair and made soothing sounds, as if I was comforting a child but in her head, she was a child again and reliving what had been done to her. 

           When she finally calmed down I let her go and she apologized. "Do not be sorry for anything. I am glad you thought me worthy enough to tell your past too." I said and she nodded, playing softly on the keys in front of her. "Mother was right though, no man wishes to marry me. How I longed to marry and have children of my own. The closest I'll ever be to that is the teaching position I have now. I'll take care of the children there and be sure they grow up strong and healthy." She said, her brows coming together in determination. "I'm positive there is a man out there who will love you despite the past you have had. You're a beautiful woman Estel, any man would be lucky to have you as a wife." I said and she blushed a bit. 

            "Why don't you play a bit? No one will hear you if you play loudly." I offered and she nodded as I got up and she positioned herself in the middle of the stool. Her back straightened and her fingers were placed delicately over the ivory keys. Her eyes closed as she thought of what song she would play. Her eyes stayed closed her fingers pressed the keys, a lovely but somewhat dark melody ringing out as her slim fingers danced over the keys, her eyes staying closed. I hadn't ever heard this particular song played and I was entranced. 

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