Chapter 6

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              The next morning I was awoken by the sound of knocking again. I opened the door to see Christine, her face holding genuine fear. I felt my heart sink with the fact that I needed to convince her to try and give Erik a chance. "Come in." I said, shutting the door as she sat on my bed. "Estel he killed someone." She said, her lips quivering. "Christine how are you sure he did that? Accidents like those happen all the time." I asked her. "Are you defending him?" She asked, her voice hurt. "Absolutely not but did you see him kill the man? Did he himself tell you he killed him?" I asked her. "N-no." She answered. "Are you sure you aren't just looking for something to give you a reason to run away from him? Is it his face that you don't want to see? Are you so inclined to not be with him that you would baselessly a death on him?" I asked her. She looked away. 

          "Estel I am frightened. I cannot tell him no. When he sings, my soul sings with him. It's like I'm in a trance." She said and I looked at her, filling with pity. "He has no power over you other than that you give him Christine." I said and she looked down. "You don't understand Estel. He truly does frighten me." She said. "Christine, you were never frightened of him when he was under the guise of your Angel of Music. You were not frightened until you seen his face." I said, kneeling in front of her and clasping her hands in mine. "Come. I will take you to him. You two need to speak things out." I said and she looked at me frightened. "How do you know where he lies?" She asked. "I'll explain it all once we reach him, your Angel of Music." I sang, helping her up and leading her to the tunnel behind my mirror. 

          Once in the air I called out his name. "Leave me be." He called back out. "Now you know that isn't happening. Besides, I have a guest." I said and he emerged, his mask on his face, from his small office like area. His eyes fell instantly on Christine. "Why is she here?" He asked. He seemed angry. "I know you really don't want to see her right now but I knew it would be best for you two to talk. Am I clear?" I asked, giving them both a stern stare. I walked past him and placed my hand on his shoulder, pausing. "I convinced her you didn't murder that man. What you do next is your choice." I whispered and walked to the piano, sitting at the keys and smiling. 'Selling my soul to the Devil wasn't as bad as everyone thought.' I thought and began playing and singing the song I made. 

             After a few moments she ran out, her face holding nothing but fear and I groaned. "What did you say to her this time?" I asked. "I told her I killed the man from last night." He said, turning to face me, his hazel eyes locking with mine. "And why would you do that exactly?" I asked. "I cannot lie to her when she asks me a question. I cannot bring myself too." He answered and I sighed. "I don't know how I can help you with this anymore Erik." I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. "You needn't help me any longer. All I ask is that you keep me from my loneliness now and tell me more of the children you teach." He said, his eyes never leaving mine. "I know why the fact that you killed the man you killed doesn't bother me." I said. "Oh? Then you know of what he did?" He asked. I nodded. "He was a pervert and got the women drunk enough that they would sleep with him." I said and he nodded. 

            I sat at the piano and he sat next to me and I told him of the happy faces the children had when they had found out they would get their very own instruments. "You were the one that purchased and gave them weren't you?" I asked. "Perhaps I am." He said, a small smile on forming. "They were truly happy and they wanted me to give their most sincerest thank you's to the one who purchased them. They wanted to meet you but I told them you didn't get out much." I said and he chuckled. "I would if my face wouldn't be made a laughing stock again." He said and I nodded. "The children each have something wrong too by the way. Kristen has an extra finger, she's the one that wanted to play Piano. Adam has a crooked nose, he plays flute. Samuel has an extra toe, he plays flute. Amy and Sally are conjoined twins, they also play piano. Diane and Markus have vitiligo , piano also. Arwen and Ella have mismatched eyes and they play the flute. Cindy has has an extra finger as well and plays violin and so does Mike who also has an extra toe." I said. "They sound like a little ragtag band of misfits." He said. "They're the brightest children you'll meet and the happiest. They smile, even in the face of cruel society. Their dreams of being musicians or Scientists are so prominent in their lives right now and I'll be damned if someone tells them they can't be what they want to be just because they are different." I said and he smiled. 

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