Chapter 7

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                The next day I woke to see Estel in my bed, snuggled close and I looked at her peaceful face. I found myself wanting to look into her emerald eyes again but I didn't want to interrupt the peaceful sleep she seemed to be having. I looked over her and frowned. 'Surely she's uncomfortable in this dress.' I thought but looked at her face again and determined it seemed to not bother her. I shifted as carefully as I could and got out of the bed. 'It should be Christine I am waking up next to.' I thought but then looked at the woman currently in my bed and smiled without noticing at first. She shifted, rolling onto her back. She was slim but curvy, her skin was the color of porcelain and there were no physical imperfections to see. Her hands were small and delicate and soft. Her head had a mound of elegant yet wild black curls and her eyes were the color of emeralds when the sun hit them and her lips were full and pouty. She was truly the ideal woman for any wealthy man and had what happened to her as a child not come to be, I was positive she would be married by now.  I found myself angry at the thought of another man having her and angry at her past again. I wrote a note and placed it on the piano and then tossed my cloak on. 

                                                                           Estel's POV

               I woke and sat up. The events from last night came back and I smiled and looked over. Nothing improper happened but I was still embarrassed that I had slept in the same bed as a man. I looked around but saw no sign of the Phantom and then got up, readjusting the dress I had fallen asleep in. I walked past the piano and seen and folded parchment paper resting on the keys with my name elegantly scrawled on it. I picked it up and opened it. 

               Dear Estel, 

                                      I am sorry to leave you so soon after a wondrous night together but I had a few errands to run. I do hope you'll forgive me and not scold me too harshly. Though nothing happened, it is still improper to leave a woman behind after a night like we had but as I said, I had things that needed my immediate attention. Feel free to come back tonight if you so wish.


            I smiled a bit, my cheeks hot with blush. He made the fact that we slept in the same bed sound so very scandalous and intimate. I took the letter with me and made my way to my room where I quickly changed into something more comfortable and then made my way through the Opera House, in search of either Christine or Madame Giry. I ran into Madame Giry first and she grabbed me, pulling me into her office and quickly shutting the door. "You aren't hurt are you child? I went to find you last night when I seen you run off but you were nowhere to be seen. Were you with that creature?" She asked, her voice frantic.  found myself angry at the way she referred to Erik and I furrowed my brows. "He isn't a creature Madame. And say I was, what of it?" I asked, my voice snipped and annoyed. "You cannot run off after the Devil himself. He will hurt you Estel. He already owns your soul, he need not have your body and heart with it." She said. "Madame Giry I will give my heart and body to whomever I see fit. And for your information I gave no one my body, you of all here should know this. I am damaged goods and that is all I will ever be." I said, my eyes pricking with tears. 

           "You are no such thing child. You could not control the things that happened to you. I have told you this. You cannot let the way you see yourself make you throw yourself at the Devil." She said. "He isn't the Devil though Mother." I said, crying. "He's hurt. His eyes, such beautiful eyes, hold so much sadness. They've never seen the face of anything but pity and sorrow. His hands were not taught anything but violence and harshness. He was not taught to be a good man but he still can be. He's only human like the rest of us. A human who's past defined who he is now." I said and she sighed. "I thought the same as you did once. I saved him from the circus he had been confined too. I brought him here, hid him from the world. And see how he turned to be." She said. "Mother, my life is mine to do as I see with. If I wish to spend it trying to teach a Demon to be a man then I shall. He's no different than the children I teach. Society condemned them and I have welcomed them with open and loving arms. I do not look at them in pity but as if they are like everyone else because they are. You haven't a clue the effect that has on someone society condemned at birth." I said and she sighed. 

            I made my way around again and then decided to go out. I pinned my hair up and then made my way out into the bustling town. I walked, the sun high in the sky as it was only the afternoon, about three p.m. I walked up to the crowd where someone was yelling and noted it was a news stand, a young boy standing on the stool next to it, yelling the new headline, saying the paper had been hastily written. I got closer. "Count Michael Knight has been murdered! Found dead in his house by Count and Countess Jonathan Knight only three hours ago!" He yelled and I gasped. I quickly paid for a paper and walked off to a nearby cafe to read it. 

          'Count Michael Knight was discovered by Count and Countess Jonathan Knight at noon today murdered in his own home. He was discovered in his parlor, possibly waiting for the Count and Countess to arrive and was killed anywhere between noon and one. He was found with a noose around his neck and such it is presumed as the murder weapon. More information will be posted soon.' 

         I felt myself crying in joy and I didn't even feel sorry for him. If that made me a monster, then so be it. I walked back to the Opera house, the paper clutched in my hands. I made my way to Madame Giry's but ran into Christine. "Hello Christine." I said and she looked at me. "Where did you go the night of the Masquerade?" She asked. "The Phantom's Lair. I was going to stop him if he intended to hurt the Viscount." I said. She nodded. "What are you doing with a News Paper?" She asked, dropping the subject. I showed her the Headline and she gasped as she read the rest. "This sounds like how The Phantom kills his victims." She said. "I don't think it was him, why would he go out of his way for me while he loves you?" I asked. "He does not love me. He is an obsessed man and that is all." She said and I sighed, not wanting to argue further. "Do you intend on singing the lead in his Opera?" I asked. "I have no choice." She said and walked away. 

            In Madame Giry's Office she was not there so I left the paper on her desk and walked to my room, where I let my hair down and then made my way to Erik's lair. There I called out and he emerged from where his bed was. He wore a pair of trousers and a low cut blouse, the opening lined in ruffles. "I have news." I said and he smiled. "You heard did you not?" He asked. "About my Uncle? How did you know?" I asked. "Because I am the one that did it." He said, walking closer to me. "Were those the 'errands' you had to run today?" I asked him and he nodded. "Erik, you cannot go around killing people. If you are caught, then what? You won't ever get to see Christine again." I said. 'I won't ever get to see you again.' I thought. He nodded. "I see. Any other news?" He asked, changing the subject. "I go to the school tomorrow. I won't be in the Opera house all day. A special day tomorrow where the children will be putting on small performances for the class to showcase what they have learned." I said and smiled. "They only got the instruments not long ago." He said. "They're very adept in learning quickly. Besides, it is singing they will be doing tomorrow. They have such wonderful voices and they take pride in their music." I said, smiling and then I sighed.

          "I may not be the best Music teacher but I did learn from the best." I said and chuckled. "I'm hardly the best music teacher. Perhaps I can go with you tomorrow." He said and I looked up, surprised. "Of course! The children will be delighted to have another opinion on their music. Certainly you can give them tips and such as well." I said, clasping his large hands in mine. His cheeks dusted a delicate shade of pink and he nodded. "I'll meet you at the stables tomorrow morning at seven. Be there." I said and smiled, walking back to my room to get some rest and finish a few things before bed. 

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