Chapter 9

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                                                               Estel's POV

             There were only three days left until Don Juan and I had just gotten back from the school. I made my way to my room and walked into my bathroom, deciding a bath was in order. I filled the tub with hot water and striped down, slipping into the steaming water and sighing content. 

              After a moment there was some ruckus in my room and then Erik's voice calling out my name reached my ears through the door. "I'm in the bath, come in. I'm covered in bubbles." I said and the bathroom door opened. Erik stood there, his eyes covered by his hand. "I'll not gaze upon you in the bath, even if you are covered in bubbles as you say." He said and I chuckled. "What is it you need?" I asked him. "Will you be watching Don Juan?" He asked. "Erik." I said. "Yes?" He asked. "I'm a ballerina. I'll be performing in it. The day after I'm summoned to the courts though." I said. "We'll speak on why once you are out and dressed. When you are you may come to my lair." He said, walking out. 

            After my bath I dressed and then made my way down to his lair and walked in to see him sitting a the Piano, his mask off and I smiled. "Alright. I'm here." I said and he looked up, his lips spreading into a smile of his own making my heart flutter. "Do why is it the Countess has been summoned to the courts?" He asked as I sat beside him. "I'll have my title finalized. It was a...tiring time convincing the managers to let me perform this last time as a ballerina. This will be my last show as a ballerina. The day after I go to finalize my property, fortune, and title." I said. "I take it you got the letter the Orphanage ward spoke of?" He asked. "I did. Today actually. Needless to say with what I have made here and not spent, My grandmother's fortune and the rest of it as well, generations of my family will need not work. If I were to have children." I said and shrugged. 

             "Come, go over the lines of this with me. Would you play and perhaps sing the parts meant for Christine for me?" He asked. "Of course." I said and he stood. 

                   Three days passed rather quickly and the show would be going. As I readied I noticed the police in the building and chuckled. I knew they thought they would catch him but they wouldn't. They had no idea he most likely already knew their plan. Part of the way through the show Erik took over as Don Juan and after going off course he pulled a lever and the Chandelier came crashing down and he and Christine dropped through the floor. I ran off, entering one of the many tunnels and wove my way through and when I arrived I heard Christine saying "I gave you my mind, blindly." Erik said, "You try my patience, make your choice." 

          I walked forward and seen Raoul hung up, a noose around his neck. 

Estel: ' Pitiful creature of darkness

What kind of life have you known?  

         I began singing, catching their attention and walking ever closer to the Phantom as I continued. 

'God give me the courage to show you,

 You are not alone.' 

                I sang and then kissed him. As he began crying he pulled away and then released the two, telling them to leave and never look back. "You go too Estel." He said. "I'm not leaving you." I argued, following him to his office like room. He turned to me as I followed him and then kissed me again. 'Estel I love you.' He sang, his voice wavering and I kissed him back. "I love you too, come, let us leave. You'll stay with me. We'll be together and I'll be beside you throughout our lives." I said, clasping his hands in mine. "Do you promise?" He asked. "I swear on my soul." I said, caressing the deformed side of his face. He leaned into the touch and then we left through another tunnel. 

            We made it to the place where I would gain tomorrow and entered through the front, a few maids and others inside. "Countess?" They asked. "Countess Estel Knight. This is Erik, my fiance." I said and they nodded. "I'm very sorry for the mess. We were not expecting you until tomorrow at the earliest." The head maid said, bowing. "It's quite alright Miss. Just allow us to go to our room. Do as you all need. I'll be gone tomorrow, to the courts." I said and they nodded. i walked up the stairs with Erik, hand in hand, and into the Master bedroom. It had been striped adn redecorated with Opera theme and I sighed, glad it was no longer the way it used to be. "Estel, are you going to be OK with this home?" He asked. "If I come not to be, I'll get a new one." I said and he nodded. "We go to court tomorrow." He said and I smiled. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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