Chapter 1

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It was an early Saturday morning as Lisa tried to get some sleep. The weekend was the best time for her to catch up on anything. During the week, she’d has taken her finals. Due to it being her last year of college, she’d been stressing over every little thing.

Scared that she wasn't going to pass, though her number grade never went below a 92, she remained worried, fidgeting in her sleep. The new grading scale that East Carolina University had in place made her dreaded 92 a now passing A. It wasn’t a B and that was all that counted. It still didn’t change the fact that every night for the last week, all she’d dreamed about was something going wrong in her classes.

In one particular dream, she’d been buck ass naked taking her test and hair was sprouting from every crevice. Every inch of skin she had (in her dream state) had been covered by a forest of hair. It’d even the came out the crack of her ass! It was no secret that she needed the rest that had finally rose up to claim her.

Finally having a wonderful dream, erotic more the word seeing as Robert Downey Jr was kissing every inch of her naked body, she was visibly relaxed. Just as he was about to enter her, Lisa's phone rang. With all her might, she attempted to hold on to the titillating fantasy. As the last vestiges of the dream’s colors faded and all she was left with was the dark abyss beneath her lids, she sat up and screamed in frustration.

"Who in Sam Hell is calling me this early in the fucking morning?” she muttered to herself as she threw the sheets away from her heated body, “And just when Robert was about to fuck my brains out.”

Lisa snatched the phone off the hook, "Hello! Would you care to explain why the hell you are you calling me so early in the goddamned morning!!!!".

"Well excuse me!” the offended voice of an older woman called out, “I was just calling to see what my grandbaby was doing."

Lisa’s entire demeanor changed at the soft lilt of her Grandmother's tone. Pressing a hand back over her wild hair, she heaved out a deep breath, "Sorry grandma. I was still asleep. Whatchu doing callin’ me so early in the morning?"

"Wondering if you’d want to go walking,” the tone of her voice stated it was obvious.

Here she goes again, Lisa thought before answering reluctantly, "No grandma, I wouldn't."

"How do you expect to get a man when you're as big as a house and do nothing to change it?"

The nagging voice of her grandmother droned on. It happened to be the same rant with a few added choice words, give or take, just another day. Lisa couldn’t say she didn't know it was coming. Her grandmother had been on her case about the extra weight she’d carried since high school. The crazy thing was just how hefty her grandmother was too.

"Like I keep tellin you grandma, a man will choose to be with me rather I'm big or not. Why should I change my body just because a man doesn't want me as I am? They can fuck themselves. There is a man out there who will love all of my curves exactly where they are and who they’re attached to!" She explained into the phone.

"Don't you start that cussing!" the older woman ordered.

"No? You call me this early in the damn morning talking about how I'm too big and won't get a man. Guess what? I don't give a fuck! I have too much going on to be listening to you try and tell me how I need to lose weight to get a man. Goodbye!"

Hanging up the phone, Lisa laid back in bed. Trying her damndest to fall back into sleep, two things prevented her from doing so; A. the growling in her belly and B. the anger that was now flowing full force through her.

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