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June 6th, 1944.

Waking up knowing I could die this very day or some point during this war I got dressed on ate some rations packed my bag and walked slowly to the deck. when I reached where I am meant to be I listened to the general's speech, it was really inspiring I never forgot what he had said.

I rallied with the platoon and jumped in a small boat that had a door at the front of it which was scary because it got me thinking if we were going to charge through that door head-on into the gunfire there will be no cover. we were lowered down onto the sea and the motor turned on and we set off towards France. This is when I knew operation Neptune has officially started. 

Midway at sea the soldiers on the landing craft were sick and terrified that they were never going to see family and home again, I remember the lieutenant saying that he was proud leading us into battle and to stick to our training. but I stood there looking at my diary and saw a photo of my family for what I thought to be the last time but you will never know till the end.

In the distance, I heard gunfire getting closer an closer the explosions getting louder every second we get closer. out of nowhere, a soldier shouted 30 seconds, 20 seconds we were there approaching land fast then I heard him again 10 seconds. then there was silence from the platoon only to look in the lieutenant's direction to hear "LOWER THE RAMP!"

As soon as the ramp had lowered bullets were penetrating through bodies, metal in one direction right in front. we could not charge forward we had to jump overboard. I grabbed the side and pulled my self over diving into the water almost drowning but luckily the lieutenant pulled me above water and told me to keep moving. I ran for shore as I see around me as the soldiers' collapse and get ripped up by machine-gun fire from the Nazis up above. there was blood everywhere I could not focus. the lieutenant grabbed my head and snapped me out of shock then told me to grab the Bangalore from under a severed body. Taking a deep breath I lifted the body and pulled the Bangalore out. I snapped into gear and ran for cover further up the beach. Explosions after explosions the machine gunners had to reload this was my chance so I pegged it up to the beach diving into cover at a sand wall where I saw barbed wire. my friend said to plant the Bangalore in the wire so whoever is left can charge through, so I did I attached two poles together and pulled the string, releasing the Bangalore from my hands in a fire of a bullet " FIRE IN THE HOLE " screaming to the top of my lungs as the barbed wire goes skying high and the sand surrounds me listing to the soldiers charge into battle. 

I raised my M1 grand and charged picking off any Nazi I see. we throw grenades into each bunker while firing in as if its a shooting range back at basic training. We have captured the beach but not on the land up north from my position. we had to keep moving blowing up AA canons as we speak left and right were soldiers from the opposite side-firing ammunition like it was nothing. The only thing was that was not the beginning, the beginning has only just started.

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