Too Far Gone

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Pushing forward slowly gaining land, as the gunshots get louder and closer. We approach a few houses that were made out of stone and was secure to rest for a bit while we make a plan on what's going to happen next. The lieutenant walked in front of us and revealed a plan to push a small town that was said to be safe by another platoon then go around the large field that heads to a U.S camp. It sounded easy, I wish it was.

Half of an hour later, we set off to the town which was round about 3 miles northeast. The only thing was that we weren't sure one hundred percent considering we had received a letter from the previous platoon that past here. We had got to the town with no trouble no one had spotted us. We are safe, well that is what we thought. Slowly walking through the town we saw 5 bodies laying on the ground with blood surrounding them all. We got closer and saw an American badge on all of the soldier's shoulders. That was the previous platoon that walked through here and was gunned down. I felt very uneasy and that something bad was going to happen. The next minute all we heard were guns going off and bullets penetrating the ground next to us we raised our guns and we opened fire killing them dead in an instant. It all happened so fast I needed to catch my breath and process what just happened. The town quickly turns into a ghost town no sound just heavy breathing from our platoon. Then I listen to a faint voice call my name as I turn around to see my best friend Rudsmond holding his stomach with blood pouring down his uniform then he collapsed. I rushed over to him and held his head up and putting pressure on the wound put that was only the entry of where the bullet hit him the exit was worse a lot worse. the medic tried to save him put there was no use he was too far gone. He died with his eyes open staring directly at me. I brushed my fingers over his eyes to close them as the Sargent told me to move on and lifted me off the ground and made me walk away. I looked back and saw him one last time as I faced forward and closed my eyes.

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