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Moving forward, through town to town and fields to hills. everywhere you looked was severely damaged. Bodies scattered blood poured all around you it was scaring. I couldn't sleep at night images of what I saw kept covering me like a coffin from hell. I don't know how to get rid of it. its stuck with me. but I still had a job to do and that's to win the war and to save hundreds of people from the germans. Day and night the platoon pushed forward and stormed towns and villages to proceed towards the only bridge standing to get across the Rhine into Germany. we marched through bunkers and enemy camps, through lakes and forests. with the ghost of petrifying memories from the war hovering over me constantly.

we managed to find a somewhat safe spot to camp and restock supplies ready for the next mission. and we are praying it is the last mission and we get to go home to my family and tell what heroic time took place in France. we all slept the night in pain and misery from the stress and horrific things we saw and it's painful to relive it but I have to find a way to cope or I will lose focus and possibly die. the next morning we geared up and boarded convoys which we had to get across the rhine to succeed and we set off.  

1 hour later, we arrived at the rhine and almost instantly we get shot at from the other side. we got off the convoys and rushed towards the bridge shooting every german enemy we could. The platoon captured the towers that were on either side of the bridge with snipers picking us off one by one but we managed to get through the first line of defence and now we are on the bridge. Slowly advancing forward shooting down enemy troops we spot explosives on the supports beams and knew we had to be fast. but from a distance, I heard an explosion that gradually got closer and closer. The lieutenant shouted "get down" we all dived down and with one massive loud bang was a lot of smoke. as the smoke cleared I found myself alive and the bridge was still standing it was a relief. we shot up and continued to fight. about a little past halfway I heard a group of planes coming from the right. " Stukas" someone shouted out as more explosions appeared on the bridge they were bombing us. US platoons sprinted off the bridge and swarmed the trenches capturing an AA gun. I practically launched my self on the AA gun and shot down as many planes as I could until US airborne reinforcements took over the skies and we were able to run up top to the tunnel which led to Germany it was difficult though as the German forces were everywhere thankfully the US planes helped us by clearing the path. all of us gathered around the tunnel and aimed are weapons surprisingly the Nazis surrendered. that meant we won. Just the platoon I'm in advanced into Germany to free prisoners from these camps we only just found out was there so we drove the jeep there and what we found was devastating. they had captured anyone the Germans didn't like and tortured them and killed them they starved them and gave them no hope it was awful. but they're free now.

A day later, on the docks at france, I got the chance to say bye to all my fellow friends in the platoon and then set off home to my family. and that is how D-Day changed the war into the allies' victory.

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