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A few hours past, the sun raised slightly, it was a new morning. Me and the platoon geared up and went to the debrief, the general spoke and then my lieutenant called out where we are going and are objective to capture a town and secure it from the Germans so tank and trucks can pass through to Paris which was far but closer. I grabbed my BAR and my 1911 loading them up with ammunition then we set off on a dirt path leading to the meetup place to start the capturing the town. Strolling through woods with rifles held high as there could be an ambush at any point and moment. We climbed on top of a hill to gain a clear and open view of the town we had to go through the main hall where people like to gather around and have fun or something but I know for one fact now is that there are clearly not now. The platoon slid down the hill making our way to the town where we met up with the other platoon. Their sergeant told us where to enter and they will go around and take them out by surprise. We entered the mysterious town hall and got halfway with no sound. we all gained suspicion that it was too quiet and had a bad feeling.

Seconds later, a strange whistle was heard, it got louder and louder then I heard someone outside shout "GET DOWN!" and following the shouting, there was loud banging and building tearing apart then we get bombed. The roof collapsed and doors and exits were blocked. smoke filling up the room with pace I could not see and my vision went black for a second.

I opened up my eyes to my head throbbing with the pain I must have been knocked unconscious. According to the sergeant as he helped me up there had been an attack that lasted an hour and 20 minutes but the Germans could not enter here. A soldier from outside told us there is nothing they can do to help but I came to think that the snapped wood supports were weak and if that gets destroyed the wall will fall and we will be out. I ran to the soldier and told him to shoot a tank explosive round at the wall, he said I was crazy but that was the only way. They shouted at us to take cover so we ran and hid hoping the blast and rubble wouldn't kill us. it went silent then I heard faintly " 3.....2......1.......FIRE!" the walls collapsed and created an exit we were saved.

The lieutenant put his hand on my shoulder and told me if I didn't make that call we all would have been as good as dead he said well done and he was promoting me to corporal and that I earned it. I couldn't believe it, Rudsmond would be proud.

D-Day Liberation of FranceWhere stories live. Discover now