Perfect Start - Lee Felix

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         December 31st, 2018. 

          I read the date displayed on my cell phone screen. I couldn't believe that 2018 was nearing it's end. It all went by within a blink of an eye. Everyday felt like only a few minutes, and it felt like I did not accomplish anything special. Nevertheless, I was glad that it was already New Year's Eve and a new year will be starting soon.

          My phone ringed, announcing that I have received a text message. It was my best friend Felix. 

Pillikseu😜: hey Y/N??

Y/Nslayyys: Mhmm?

Pillikseu😜: I was wondering if you would like to spend new year's eve with me?? Please?? No one has time for me and I don't wanna waste this special day alone. 🙏

Y/Nslayyys: of course! I didn't really have any plans, so this is perfect! 

Pillikseu😜: thank you!!!

Y/Nslayyys: your welcome :) but what do you wanna do?

Pillikseu😜: I was wondering maybe we could go to han river and watch the fireworks show? I think it will be fun!!

Pillikseu😜: If you would like to of course, but we can do something else

Y/Nslayyys: no I think it's a great idea!! I wanna see the fireworks too 

Pillikseu😜: great! should I pick you up at 11? The firework show starts right at midnight 

Y/Nslayyys: sounds good! see ya there~ <3

Pillikseu😜: see you 

Pillikseu😜: <3

          If there was one person I could spend the entire day with, it would be Felix.  We've been friends for such a long time. He is the only childhood friend I am still friends with to date. He is just so quirky, funny, sweet, and respectful. His personality itself as a whole is so perfect and lovable. He's been there for me during my hardest, saddest and happiest times. He always offered a shoulder for me to cry on. Felix was the perfect friend I could ever wish for.

          But the more time we spend together, the more I realize that I don't want Felix to be just a friend. I want him to be more than that to me. Suddenly developing feelings for him didn't surprise me in any way. As we grew up together, I started thinking of him in a different way. I knew I liked him. It was like that for a while. But I kept my feelings to myself. I kept them hidden. 

          Everything he did made my heart flutter. Talking to him sometimes makes me nervous. And just being at a close proximity of him gives me butterflies. I never wanted to confess because I was so worried I would ruin our current friendship. If he rejects me then I'll end up friendzoned, and our friendship could turn really awkward. So, I hid my feelings. I even try to stop them. Sometimes I wish he would get a girlfriend so I can force myself to stop liking him. But I knew I would just be extremely jealous and heartbroken.

          Stepping out of my thoughts, I started thinking of what to wear. My heart skipped a beat when I realized it was almost like he was asking me out on a date. We hung out many times before, but it never felt like dates until now. 

          I always liked to dress well whenever I'm with Felix. Even though we are pretty close friends and he wouldn't care less to what I am wearing. But whenever we just hang out at home I always wear anything random. 

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