(pt.2) Never Good Enough - Lee Felix

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This imagine was requested by Sassycakes

Thank you for requesting! Please enjoy :) <3

"It's an honor to meet you!" You said politely, bowing a 90 degree bow, as your heart palpitated across your chest, sending you into a daze.

"You really don't have to be so formal," Felix said, his hand resting on the nape of his neck nervously, his eyes roaming around every corner of the room and anywhere other than you.

Your back straightened and your eyes tried to meet his, but without avail. You ought to be polite and respectful towards him, since he was your senior.  But for some reason he looked kind of nervous meeting you. You must have made him shy.

"I-I have to, you are my senior after all," you replied, and he finally looked at you. 

As his eyes roamed every inch of your body, you suddenly felt hot and dizzy under his presence. The beats of your heart, growing louder every second, were only making you worry that he could hear them.

"I watched your performance yesterday. It was amazing. Congratulations on your one year anniversary," Felix praised you and your team, finally contacting his eyes with yours.

You were lost in his dark orbs. They were so sparkly you were sure there were hundreds of stars gleaming in them. Scratch that, a whole galaxy was sprawled in their depths. It made him look so unworldly. His beauty was ethereal, and no match for yours (a/n: y'all are beautiful and you can't tell me otherwise.).

"T-Thank you," you managed to speak, but your uneven breaths made it harder to stand on your weak, wobbly legs. Why he made it so hard for you to function properly, you weren't sure.

Little did you know though, that he was a hundred times more timid than you were. He liked you, and he had for a long time. But he was positive that you didn't even care for him. However, he was still going to shoot his shot, and try to make you his.

"Your welcome," he said, suddenly speaking in English, walking closer to you, "I know this is kind of sudden, but can y-you go out with me?"

Your eyes widened and you giggled slightly at his cute stutter. The blush on your cheeks reddened as you realized he was asking you out on a date unexpectedly. "S-Sure."

Felix smiled a smile brighter than the entire universe, and you returned one of your own. He then proceeded to pull out his phone from his pocket and said, "May I have your number, please?"

"Of course!" Was your reply as you flusterdly took his phone into your grasp and allowed your fingers to glide on the screen and type out your digits. 

When you finished, you delicately handed it back to him and he hid it back into his pocket, grinning at his success in achieving a date.

"Well, I'll text you about it," he said, walking backwards slowly to leave, "See you around!"

And so he was off and you were lonely once again. Astonished, you rushed into the  women's bathroom and into a vacant stall, ready to yell your head off. You couldn't believe it. You had just met Felix, talked to him, gave him your number and he asked you on a date. It was too surreal to be true, you thought unbelievably.

Then it hit you harder than lightning striking a tree and setting it on blazing fire, you had broke your one and only rule.


How could I break such an important promise in a matter of minutes? You thought to yourself,  yelling in your head frustratedly.

You talked to Felix, acting like a total idiot in front of him, gave him your number and agreed to a date with him. All of that in just a few minutes. 

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