Do You Know How It Feels Like to Lose Someone? - Lee Minho

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They are beautiful yet bitter. 

Some are delightful, others are agonizing. Some are like cloud nine, others are utter hell. 

The aching, heart-breaking feelings were what you tried to stray away from. You strive to parry and fend yourself from them. They are the most cruel and awful.

The sweet, heaven-like feelings were what you tried to reach and enjoy. You strive to confront them and indulge in them. They are the most welcoming and pleasant. 

But the certain feelings that you have towards people was what confused you. It was difficult to determine how you felt about someone, and that was what threw you off guard and puzzled you. Like a mystery you try so hard to solve.

Thus, you did not know how to feel and what to feel anymore.


The honking of the cars on the street filled the area, loud and piercing. You walked through the crowd of people, your college campus finally visible on the horizon. 

It was a Monday morning, one of the most sulky and dreadful mornings. Although despite it's sullen air, it is a very busy morning due to all of the civil workers and students who were on their way to work or school. The busy and noisy atmosphere of Monday mornings was something you liked.

College was what you expected it would be like during high school. Exhausting yet exciting. So many events happen, and the parties was something you tried not to miss out on. However, with its fun came its dangers, so you seldom trusted anyone other than your friends. 

Approaching the wide open gates of campus, you took one glance at your phone and realized that you were about to be late to your Language Arts lecture. So you sped up and ran into the building, sprinting to the lecture hall. 

You made it just in time, the professor had just arrived and most of the students were already in their seats. You looked around the different faces of students until you spotted your friend, Jisung sitting all the way at the back of the hall. Grinning, you walked up the stairs and sat next to him.

He smiled as soon as he saw you, "hey."

"Hi," you greeted him back as you smiled too. He was wearing a grey hoodie and black jeans, along with an unexpected pair of cute, round glasses. "Love your glasses."

He smirked, pushing the glasses further onto his face and winking, "thanks."

Pulling out your laptop, your eyes averted their gaze to the door. Someone had just walked in late. You squinted, trying to focus on their face until you realized who it was. Minho. Your boyfriend. 

You sighed deeply, and Jisung frowned. He followed your gaze to see Minho, too.

Something tugged at your heartstrings. You weren't sure if it was because you were sad, or happy. 

"Did something happen last night?" Jisung queried, looking worriedly at you and trying to study your expression.

"I guess you could say that," you muttered back to him, still not taking your eyes off of Minho's face.

Leaning back in his seat, Jisung inhaled deeply and let out a long sigh, "how long are you two going to keep that up?"

You didn't reply to his question. Instead, you kept your eyes glued on Minho as he trudged to the closest seat he could find and collapsed on it exhaustively, his bag dropping to the floor. He looked tired, as if insomnia haunted him all night and hurtful thoughts gnawed into his head without end. 

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