Significance - Hwang Hyunjin

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          Hyunjin and I were walking down the dimly lit street on a Sunday night. We just finished shopping together and were walking back to my apartment. The shopping spree was fun, and I managed to find some cute clothing pieces that suit me. I could tell that Hyunjin was pleased and satisfied with what he purchased too, because he was practically humming to himself happily.

          "Did you enjoy our little shopping trip?" I asked, already aware of his answer.

          "Yeah," he said enthusiastically. "If it weren't for you and your fashion skills, I wouldn't have been able to put together some cool outfits. I'm lucky to have you mine." 

          I giggled and looked away. Whatever Hyunjin says is always very flattering. I can't help but be flustered. We have been dating for almost two years now, and I trust and adore him more than ever. He is too sweet and angelic, it feels like I don't deserve him and neither does anyone else.

          Curiously, I looked around at our surroundings. We were walking down a silent, vacant neighborhood. It looked kind of sketchy, but I wasn't scared with Hyunjin next to me. Plus, the house was only a few more streets away, and the weather was nice. It was like a cute, innocent walk. Or at least I thought it was.

          I looked up at the moonlit night sky. Because of the low light pollution in the area we were in, the stars could be seen clearly. They were shining and twinkling in he sky, forming unintelligible shapes. I tried to look for the familiar and notable constellations, but I wasn't clever enough for that stuff. Instead, I tried to figure out random shapes out of the stars splattered across the dark sky.

          Hyunjin must have noticed me gazing at the sky, because he looked up as well.

          "That one looks like a triangle," he said, pointing with his index finger to the right. I squinted my eyes to find the shape, looking carefully. A moment later, I found the triangle, and my eyes widened.

          "Oh yeah! Right there!" I almost yelled, my excitement out of the roof for some dumb reason. "But isn't it kind of wonky?" I muttered disappointingly, the excitement fading away just as fast as it came.

          "Of course it is. Nothing is perfect, after all." He declared, looking at me and smiling sweetly.

          I looked at him and smiled back. He was right, nothing is perfect. But with all honesty, I think that he is the closest to perfect anything or anyone can get.

          After that, we continued trying to make more shapes and figures out of the glistening stars. We laughed at all the funny star constellations so much I teared up a little. No one can have more fun than Hyunjin and I when looking up at the stars. 


          About ten minutes later, we finally made it home. My cozy little apartment was most likely my favorite place on earth. It was not the biggest, but it was still the best in my opinion. It was also very cheap, which was a huge advantage for me considering my college tuition. I didn't bother to get a dorm. I was much better in the comfort of my own apartment without a roommate who can be problematic and disputatious.

          Hyunjin visits all the time. There has rarely been a day where we don't spend time in my apartment. It could be going on movie marathons, cooking with each other, or just hanging out. It was like our little bubble where we can have fun away from everyone else. Away from the world and it's scary yet tempting wonders and people.

          I quickly typed in the safety code, and the wooden door opened instantly. I pushed it and Hyunjin followed me in. Careful not to be too loud, I closed the door behind us. 

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