Saved With Just Letters - Hwang Hyunjin

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*written in third point of view*


From: Secret

To: You

Hi. Write a letter for me and leave it here. I will check back to it and leave you a letter.

That was what the piece of paper said.

Hyunjin had decided to take a stroll around in the forest close to town, but stumbled upon that letter that was resting on the soil with a pebble placed on top of it so that it does not fly away.

Curiously, he had picked it up and read its contents. The letter had piqued his interest. Maybe it was a stupid decision, but he decided to write back to the mysterious person behind it. He did not know their name, for he/she decided to maintain that as a secret.

It was spring break and he was bored, what else was there to do? Besides, he was almost certain that there was going to be no reply.

He memorized where the letter was left, then dashed back the way he came, retracing his steps. As he ran back to his house, he read the date on the letter. 12/4/2019. That was only three days ago. The person must have been waiting for a reply for a while. Though they may have forgotten about the letter, or lost hope for a reply. Either way, Hyunjin still wanted to be the one to reply back.

Excitedly, Hyunjin twisted the door knob of his house's front door then rushed up the stairs, skipping a few on his way. He locked himself in his bedroom then sat on the chair at his study, grabbing a stray pen on the desk and ripping a paper from his English notebook that sat abandoned on the shelf above his desk.

Then he stared at the lined paper idly.

What if this was just a prank? A joke? He thought to himself, his dark eyebrows furrowing. Why was he so excited about a mere letter? Was it that intriguing?

Nevertheless, he decided to give it a go.


From: Secret

To: Secret

Hello, I found your letter and thought it would be fun to write one back. And since you didn't reveal your name, I'm not revealing mine either. I'm not sure if you will even reply to this, and I don't think you will, but whatever. It's worth giving a shot, I guess.

Hyunjin put down his blue, ballpoint pen and stared at what he wrote as he leaned back in his roller chair. His handwriting was kind of messy, something he was never able to fix, but it was legible. It will do for now. Whether this person replies or not, it didn't matter.

He folded the paper twice and made his way back to the forest. When he reached the area he found the first letter in, he placed his own somewhere close to the original letter's spot and grabbed a nearby rock, small and grey, settling it on top of his letter.

It looked so plain and indistinguishable, making him doubt a reply even more. The other person probably forgot where they placed the letter, anyway.

Sighing at his idiocy, then taking one last look at the letter, he walked back to his house.

As the leaves above him rustled with every breeze and gust of wind, and the roots and leaves of trees he crushed under his feet crunched, he wondered who was the person behind that letter.

Why would they leave it?

Were they that desperate for a friend?

Who are they?

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