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Steve Maximoff's point of view.

I was standing in the corridors of Arrowsmith High, my new school. I was searching for my class.

Finally, I found my classroom. I entered the classroom and started looking for a seat. Most of the seats were already occupied.

I was shocked to see Eva. She was seated alone on one of the chairs, looking out of the window.

She was wearing a red T-shirt and blue jeans. Her hair was braided.

She yawned and turned her face towards me. She raised her eyebrows again and closed her mouth.

She rubbed her eyes because she wanted to confirm if it was a dream or I was really there.

I took a seat beside her.

Eva-'You're really here?'


Eva-'You mean,... you'll be studying here?'


Eva-'What a coincidence!!!'

Me-'Is it a coincidence or destiny?'

Eva-'You said something, Stephen?'

Me-'Who's Stephen?'


Me-'Me? Who told you?'

Eva-'S,T,E... these are the first three letters of your name that I guessed last night. Isn't it obvious that your name is Stephen?'

Me-'Steve Maximoff. That's my name.'

I laughed mildly followed by her.

Eva-'I can't believe I spent the whole night decoding your name and now I realise that I had guessed it all wrong.'

I realised how lucky I was. The girl with whom I'd fallen in love was not only my neighbor but also my classmate. It sure was destiny. We were destined to be together.

Time passed with the teachers telling me to copy notes from my classmates and to approach them if I had any doubts with the lessons as I was the new student and exams were knocking at the door.

But out of all the teachers, Mr Arnold Rogers, our Physics teacher was the sweetest.

He called me and talked to me in a gentle manner with a smile on his face.

I came to know that Mr Rogers had joined the school just two days ago.

Finally, the school gave over and I came out of the school with Eva.

School was not too far away from our homes so we started walking our way to home.

We chatted while covering the distances.

I stopped at one of the shops.

Me-'Do you have notepads?'

Shopkeeper-'I do.'

Me-'Give me one.'

Eva-'I'll buy them too.'

Shopkeeper-'How many do you want?'

Eva-'Same... 1.'

Shopkeeper-'Here are your notepads.'

Eva-'Oh no!!!'

Me-'What's the matter.'

Eva-'I think I left my purse at home. Will you please buy it for me? I promise I'll return the money as soon as possible.'

Me-'Yeah, why not? And you need not return the money.'


Me-'Hey... we're friend, aren't we?'

Eva-'I guess we are.'

Me-'Of course we are.'

She smiled.

After paying the shopkeeper, we continued walking.

Eva-'Why did you buy the notepad?'

Me-'Well,... I'm a late sleeper so I thought that maybe we could chat if I'm bored. But why did you bought it?'

Eva-'You'll know,... soon.'

I wondered what was going on her head.

We reached home. I entered mine, she entered hers.

I went upstairs and changed my clothes. I looked out of one of the windows. A dog was carrying something in its mouth and buried it at the back of our house.

I went to the spot and dug the place to find several things, mostly garbage. I found a lipstick, a pendant, a ring, a bangle and many more discarded items but the thing that caught my eye was a red heel.

I realised that it was the same heel that Eva dropped that day.

I took the heel and returned home.

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