0K-Don't Say You Don't Know Me

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Steve Maximoff's point of view.

'EVA... open your eyes.', I kept on saying that.

'What should I do now?', I asked myself.

My phone battery was dead and I couldn't unlock Eva's phone because she had set pattern lock on her phone.

Just then, I saw an ambulance coming in our direction. It was an ambulance of a mental asylum.

I tried to stop the ambulance. The ambulance stopped and a man came out.

Man-'What's the matter? How did she get hurt?'

Me-'I'll tell you later. Please help us to a hospital.'

Man-'Yeah, come in.'

Me-'Do you have a phone? I've to call my aunt. I can't handle this alone. An adult is needed in this kind of situation.'

Man-'Yeah, sure. Here, take my phone.'

I called aunt. Aunt received the call.

'Aunt, Eva is injured.', I said and cried.

Aunt-'WHAT?!!! How?'

Me-'I'll tell you that later. We're going to the hospital. You should come too. We'll pick you up.'


I disconnected the call.

I looked at the time on the phone. It was 11:59 P.M.

Me-'Is there a problem if I make one more call?'

Man-'Go ahead and make a call.'


I called Emma.



Me-'I'm Steve. I wanted to know if you have used your birthday wish.'

Emma-'I was about to make a wish but then you called so I couldn't.'

Me-'Emma? Please make a wish for Eva. Wish for her health. Wish that she lives for at least as long as I live. Will you do it for me?'

Emma-'What's the matter, Steve? Is everything alright? Why are you saying such things?'

Me-'It's nothing. I just want to be with Eva forever and ever. I just don't wanna lose her. Being with Eva was my dream so I'm just sacred of waking up from this dream.'

Emma-'You're so romantic. Fine, I'll do it. I'll wish for Eva. Bye.'

Me-'Bye. Happy birthday.'


I disconnected the call and returned the phone to the man.

I sat and held Eva's hand.

Man-'So... you're saying that a crazy man attacked her?'


Man-'He looked like this?'

He showed a photo of a man.

Me-'It is him.'

Man-'He's one of our patients. He escaped the mental asylum yesterday (yesterday because it's already past 12:00 A.M.). We came here to search for him.'

Me-'Stop the vehicle. It's my home. I've to pick up my aunt.'

The driver stopped the ambulance and aunt entered.

Aunt looked at Eva.

Aunt-'How did this happen? So much blood.'

I told her everything.

After a while, we reached the hospital.

The doctors started treating Eva while we waited.

After a long time, the doctor came out.

Me-'Is Eva fine?'

Doctor-'Yeah, she'll be fine. You can meet her if you want but she's not conscious right now.'

Me-'Thanks, doctor.'

We went in. I sat and held Eva's hand.

Aunt-'Thank God, she's all right. We should inform her father about all of this.'

Me-'No. Don't do that.'


Me-'He's out on a business trip. He'll be worried. Let's inform him after he returns.'

Aunt-'I guess you're right.'

After a while.

Aunt-'You should go home now. I'll take care of her.'


Aunt-'Just go and take some rest. I'll take care of her. You've to go to school today morning too.'

Me-'Fine. I'll go.'

I took out Eva's phone out of my pocket and after keeping it beside her, I left.

I reached home. I couldn't sleep because I was worried about Eva but eventually, I fell asleep.

I woke up and went to school.

When I returned, aunt was already home. She told me that Eva was in coma and that it might take a while before she wakes up.

I was heartbroken and started visiting Eva daily.

Days passed like this.

One day when I returned from school. I could hear the conversations between two ladies in the living room. I realised that it was Eva with whom aunt was chatting.

Eva-'I want to eat some cupcakes.'

Aunt-'I'll make some for you.'

Aunt came out of the living room.

Aunt-'Steve. You're home. Go meet Eva.'

Me-'She came out of the coma? Is she all right?'

Aunt-'Yeah she's fine.'

I went in.

She looked at me weirdly. As if she didn't recognised me.

Me-'Eva. You're all right?'

Eva-'Who Are you?'

Me-'What? Don't you recognise me? I'm Steve. I'm the nephew of aunt Miley.'

Eva-'Oh!!! So you're her nephew. Nice to meet you.'

Me-'You really don't recognise me?'

Eva-'Aunt Miley never showed me your photograph or something so that I could recognise you.'

'What's the matter? Has she forgotten me because of the head injury? No, it can't be.', I thought.

Eva-'Will you do me a favor? I can't unlock my phone. I'm quite sure that this is the pattern I had set but it keeps on saying that the pattern is incorrect. So... can you just reset the phone for me?'

Me-'Sure. I'll do it for you. I'll return the phone after I've fixed it.'

Eva-'Thanks, Steve.'

I came out of the room.

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