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Steve Maximoff's point of view.

It was Sunday morning. I was sleeping. A noise woke me up. It was Eva.


I quickly opened the door.

Me-'What's the matter, Eva?'

She was looking too worried.

Eva-'Come with me.'

She held my hand and dragged me to a spot where a crowd of people were gathered around a dog. The dog was in chains and people were throwing stones at him. I realized that it was the same dog who had hidden Eva's red high heels.

Eva explained me the situation. The dog was caught red handed by one of our neighbors while he was trying to hide their diamond necklace in his secret spot.

Eva-'Steve, please stop them. They'll kill him.'

I went to the spot and tried to stop the people but they didn't stop.

Me-'I'll take his responsibility. I assure you that he won't steal your stuffs anymore. If he ever does that again, you all can punish him then.'

They agreed. After they left, Eva hugged me.

Eva-'I love you, Steve.'

I was surprised.

'Did she just said that she loves me?', I thought.

Eva-'I-I-I'm sorry. I didn't meant that. I was just too happy. All I wanted to say was thanks for saving him.'

Me-'I-I-It's okay,.. I-I-I understand. I'll take him home but I'm not sure if aunt will allow me to keep him.'

Eva-'Dad won't allow me to keep him either.'

Me-'Don't worry. I took his responsibility, so I'll take care of him.'

Eva-'Thanks Steve. By the way,... did you notice that he is one of those stray dogs who were chasing us that day?'

Me-'He is? I really didn't notice.'

After aunt allowed me to keep the dog in the condition that I'd take care of him and all his responsibilities, Eva and I decided to give him a name.

I suggested to name him Tommy but Eva disagreed.

Eva-'That's a very common and simple name. His name should be something that's unique.'

Me-'I can't come up with something unique.'

Eva-'Let's call him Steva. Since we saved him and gave him a new life, we should name him after us.'

Me-'But that sounds feminine.'

Eva-'Since I love aunt Miley's cupcakes, should I name him Cupcake then?'

Me-'No, no, no. Steva is fine. At least it doesn't sound like a dessert.'

Eva-'Then Steva it is.'

Soon, I successfully taught Steva not to steal and hide people's belongings. Steva was now a well mannered dog but there was one thing that used to irritate me.

Whenever I threw a frisbee so that Steva could catch it and bring it to me, he would rather go to my room and fetch me Eva's red high heel.

I tried to hide it in different places but he would find the heel and bring it to me.

Once, I was nearly caught by Eva. Steva brought me the heel when I was trying to teach her to fetch me the frisbee instead of the heel. Just then Eva came there in the lawn. I threw the heel behind the bushes. Steva tried to bring me the heel but I caught him by his collar and somehow managed to stop him.

Eva-'Why are you holding him like that?'

Me-'Actually,... he digs up all the places in the lawn and destroys the flowers and aunt doesn't like it so I'm trying to stop him.'

Eva-'I see.'

Since then, I stopped playing the game of frisbee with Steva.

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