0M-A Romantic Marathon

15 7 0

Eva Madison's point of view.

I stuffed the earphones on my ears and started listening to my favorite song by Taylor Swift.

It was very warm that night, so I opened the window for fresh air.

I was surprised to see Steve sneaking out of his house with the help of a rope.

I removed the earphones from my ears and started following him.

'Where the hell is he going? Is he running away from home or what?', I whispered.

He started running and I started running too.

He went to the playground where a boy was waiting for him. His face was covered. They were talking about something when suddenly the boy punched Steve on the stomach.

'This looks serious.', I thought.

I was about to go and stop the fight when a group of dogs encircled me.

The dogs started barking.

I was so scared that I started running. I ran and ran and without stopping, I held Steve's hand and then I took a u-turn and now we were headed towards our homes.

I felt something. Holding his hand felt so good. I never felt the same with Jonathan. I wanted to never let go of his hand.

Steve-'What are you doing here?'

Me-'That's exactly what I should ask you. I thought that you were running away from your house but why was the boy punching you?'

Steve-'None of your business.'

Me-'Fine. I won't ask you.'

Steve-'But what were you doing here?'

Me-'None of your business.'

Steve-'Fine. I'll tell you. I have fallen in love with his girlfriend so he was punching me.'

I felt something. I guess it was jealousy. But I couldn't understand why was I envious of her. It's not like I loved Steve. Did I?

Me-'I see. What's the girl's name?'


Me-'What? Tell me. What's her name?'

Steve-'It's... Emma.'

Me-'Are you talking about the Emma who's my classmate?'

Steve-'I am.'

Me-'How do you know her?'

Steve-'I Just joined Arrowsmith High the previous day.'

Me-'Is she that beautiful that you fell in love with her?'

Steve-'The most beautiful girl in the whole world.'

I wanted to kill her at that moment.

Me-'Hey!!! I'm the most beautiful girl in the whole world.'

Steve-'No, you're not. You're just a joker.'

Me-'Hey!!! We're not yet friends so don't make fun of me.'


Soon, the dogs stopped chasing us and we finally reached our homes.

Steve was about to knock at the door to his house.



Me-'You're forgetting that you had sneaked out of the house through the window so if you don't want to get caught, you should go back in the way you came out.'

Steve-'Thanks for reminding me.'

He was going to climb up to his window using the rope when I stopped him.


Steve-'Now what?'

Me-'You're bleeding. Come to my house for first aid.'

Steve-'Just let it be.'

He held the rope and was about to climb into his room when I held his hand.

Steve-'What are you doing?'

I didn't reply. I took him to my room and took out a first aid kit.

Steve-'What the hell are you trying to do? I'm telling you to stop.'

I applied medicine where he was hurt.

Me-'Now you can leave.'

He left.

I looked out of the window.

He held the rope and was trying to climb up. Just then, the rope broke and he fell down.

I started laughing. He looked at me and made an angry face.

He started jumping in order to catch hold of the rope which was now short.

I went down to him.

Me-'What are you trying to do?'

Steve-'Can't you see? I'm trying to catch hold of the rope.'

Me-'You think you can jump so high?'

Steve-'Don't bother me. Just go.'

Me-'Well,... if you want, you can stay at my home tonight.'

Steve-'WHAT?!!! Are you crazy? You're inviting a stranger to your house to sleep for the night when you're alone?'

Me-'You don't have any choice unless you want to get caught by your aunt.'

We went to my room.

Me-'Sleep on the bed.'

Steve-'And what about you?'

Me-'I'll sleep in my dad's room.'

I went out and locked the door from outside.

Steve-'Did you just locked the door?'

Me-'I did.'


Me-'You told me earlier that I shouldn't trust a stranger.'

I laughed wickedly.


Me-'Good night.'

I went to my dad's room and went to sleep.

(If you loved the chapter, please vote and comment to support me. If you didn't liked it, give me some advices so that I can make my works better. Thanks for reading my work. I will upload my next work if you all support my work.💗 you readers. Thanks.)

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