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They entered the dance room and were greeted by a series of hello's and goodmornings.

Felix, Seungmin, Woojin, Changbin, Hyunjin and I.N had been warming up for their next practise.
Now they stared at Eui as Chan made introductions.

"We are gonna start now, " Chan checked the time on his phone.

"Eui, you can sit there and watch, "
He pointed to a folding chair.

"I'm gonna impress Eui with my amazing dancing skills, " Minho whispered to Jisung.
"I'm going to be better than you, " Jisung whispered back.

"You guys spend way too much time toghether, " hissed I.N who was wedged between them uncomfortably in the dance formation.
(Idk what it's called)

The music started and they immediately shut up and focused on giving a good performance for Eui.

"You were terrible, " Jisung said to Minho after they finished.

"Oh yeah? You danced like a clumsy squirrel, " He was fuming.

Minho pushed Jisung against the wall and pinned him with both arms.

"You take that back or I'll tell Eui
about your trypophobia[*], " Minho glared.

"What does my fear of small holes have to do with Eui, " Jisung said.

"Maybe because she is a girl?, " Minho replied sarcastically.

Jisung suddenly looked over Minho's shoulder and exclaimed.
Everyone had left and the practise room was empty except for them.

For some reason, this fact made Jisung blush.
Minho also noticed they were alone and fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Lets go catch up with the others, " He muttered and pulled away.

[*]trypophobia is the fear of clusters of small holes

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