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"You're just jealous, because she likes
me better, " Jisung crossed his arms over his chest in defiance.

"No I - Oh really? We'll just see about that, " Minho narrowed his eyes and stomped back inside the restraunt.

Minho went and sat down next to Eui.
"Eui?, " he asked shyly

"Yes?," Eui looked at Minho enquiringly.
Jisung stood outside for a few seconds to gather his thoughts.
He was shocked at how Minho was behaving.

He never expected some friendly competition over a girl( whom they were not even allowed to date by the way), to get so out of hand.

Jisung took a deep breath and headed inside.
At their table, Minho was talking to Eui, Jisung noticed and picked up the pace.
(See what I did there?)

"I would love to go on a date with you," Eui said just as Jisung slid in next to her.

"So, dinner at Tavolo at eight?, "
Minho smiled.

"Sure! Sounds great, " Eui smiled back.

Jisung felt numb as he overheard this.
This couldn't be happening.
He stared blankly ahead.

Seungmin who was sitting infront of Jisung waved his hands and tried to get his attention.

"Han..Are you okay, " He looked worriedly at Jisung who nodded slowly.

"I'm fine, "

He lied.

*I'm not sure if Tavolo is even a real place. I'm gonna google that...

*So there is like a Tavolo 24 in Seoul,
casual all you can eat buffet.
Not really ideal for a first date but it sounds cool...so why tf not.

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