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Jisung suddenly heard footsteps outside so he opened the door and poked his head out.
(He was still shirtless =_= )
........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ......... .........

Minho had invited Eui to the boy's dorm to hangout.
Eui accepted the offer.

As they were going down the hall, suddenly a door flung open and shirtless Jisung poked his head out.

Withought warning, Minho grabbed Eui's waist, pinned her against the wall and smashed his mouth against hers.

Minho saw from the corner of his eye as Jisung scowled and slammed the door shut.

Satisfied, Minho broke the kiss. In fact, he felt a little relieved in doing so.

"I don't know what the hell was that about, " Eui swayed, still in shock from the sudden 'kiss' .

"But please don't ever do that again, 
samchon won't be pleased if he finds out, "

"Don't worry...I'll never mention this to anyone, " Eui noticed Minho's worried expression.

"Oh.. Wha- Thanks I appreciate it, " Minho mumbled distractedly.

"Look...This was fun and all, " Eui began,

*Minho cringed at the word 'fun'.

"But Minho? I think we should just be friends, "  Eui smiled.

"Oh..Well that sounds great!, " Minho said cheerfully.

"Goodbye Eui! See ya later, " Minho gently nudged her towards the elevator.

"I thought you were gonna
walk me to - , " Eui sounded indignant.

"It's late, Goodnight! Have a safe trip, get a cab, " Minho pushed her into the elevator and breathed a sigh of relief when the doors closed.

"Finally!, " He thought.

Minho glanced at Jisung's door and ran a hand through his hair wearily.

Minho walked over to the Jisung's door and held up his fist to knock.
But Minho couldn't bring himself to do it.

He gave up and went to his own room which he shared with Felix, Jeongin, and Woojin.

It was empty though.
'Just as well, ' thought Minho.

'I just wanna be alone.' 

I Want Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن