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When Jisung got back to the dorm, after his date with Eui,
Minho was in the kitchen with Bang Chan.

Jisung slid in next to Minho at the counter.
"What's up?, " Jisung asked.

"The kangaroo is making chilli, " Minho gestured to Chan who stood at the stove, stirring something in a pot.

"Smells good, " Jisung sniffed the air.

"I'm almost done, " Chan called.
"First, a little taste test, " Chan scooped chilli with his ladle and tasted it.

"Hey! It's actually -, " Chan dropped the ladle and grabbed his stomach.

"Too spicy, " He gasped, his face bright red as the chilli and ran towards the bathroom in the hall.

"So how was your date?, " Minho asked, trying to ignore the noises coming through the closed bathroom door.

"It was okay, " Jisung muttered.

"I'm happy for you then, " Minho smiled and tweaked Jisung's nose.

"Idiot squirrel, " Minho smirked.

"Take that back!, " Jisung playfully pushed Minho.

Minho pushed Jisung and they both fell onto the floor and began laughing and wrestling.


Bang Chan stepped back into the kitchen, his face paler than usual,
And was shocked to see Jisung and Minho on the floor.

"GUYS STOP FIGH - , " Before he could finish yelling, Chan grabbed his stomach and ran back into the bathroom.

Jisung pinned Minho on the floor and straddled him.
"Will you take back what you said?, "

Minho shook his head and tried to break free.

Suddenly Jisung heard someone clear his throat in the doorway.
Still straddling Minho, he looked up.

Felix was leaning on the kitchen doorway, his arms crossed.
A smile playing at his lips.

"It's not what you think!, " Jisung blushed and slid off Minho.

Minho sat up and noticed Felix and he too, turned a bright shade of pink.

"What? I wasn't thinking anything, "
Felix shrugged.

"I just smelt something and came to see what's cooking, " Felix glanced at the pot on the stove.

"That's Chan's Chilli, " Minho mumbled, getting up and dusting the seat of his sweatpants.

Felix wrinkled his nose.
"I don't like spicy food.I'll leave you two alone, " Felix turned around and walked away nonchalantly.

"What was that about?, " Minho helped Jisung get up.

"I don't know, " Jisung shrugged.

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