Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Still Ingrid's POV

I gasped at him and just stared into his eyes in shock.

"Surprise!" he said awkwardly. "Wasn't expecting me, were you? Do you know who i am? I'm the one in the plaid and curly haired one in the song What Makes you Beautiful. I'm from that one boy band known as One Dir-"

"I know!" I said, cutting him off. "I love One Direction."

"Well, then how come you aren't squealing?" Harry Styles asked me with a confused expression.

" seems annoying...and very rude." I replied. "Even though I am a directioner, too." I giggled nervously, gosh i hate when i do that. Wait...why did i tell him i was a directioner? I hope he didn't think i was going to start fangirling any minute.

"That's nice of you." he said smiling warmly at me. He took a deep breath and stared into the rides in the fair. "I love the down-to-earth fans."

I blushed and nodded quickly. "Sorry i thought you were a criminal, you clearly aren't."

"I'm just a singer. Hey look!" he pointed his finger down to Ellie, leaned against the wall talking to a blond with patches of brown hair. They were smiling lovingly at each other and i grinned to myself and shook my head laughing. The he pointed to Lacey talking to a sweet brunette on the floor with a little powdered funnel cake. The four of them were well hidden from everyone on the ground's vision. "That's Liam, and that's Niall. You know them from on line, right?"

"Yeah." I said as i felt my cheeks go Rosy.

"Well then I guess Louis and Zayn are stuck with your other friend hm?"

I looked down again to see Joey, Zayn, and Louis, well, Joey and two guys with hoods on, I just assumed that was them, and the three of them were waiting in the line for the biggest ride there.

Harry threw his arm around my shoulder. "Guess your stuck with me." he whispered in a mock sexy voice.

I rolled my eyes and he said, "God we're gonna be dead. Niall, Liam and me dont have our disguises on. Simon is going to personally shoot us in the head, and he sure isnt going to stop there." he smiled to himself in his husky british accent.

"Well then put the hat back on, I know you arent a serial killer on the loose so you can take it off now." I said and gave him his grey knitted beanie and Raybans sunglasses.

"Please, we're up on the tippy top of a huge ferris wheel, no one's gonna see me as of now, and besides, if i take it off, I cant see you." he said with that cheeky, dimples showing, one million dollar smirk.

I opened my mouth to speak but the i heard a defening scream.





Harry bit the corner of his bottom lip. "What do you think is going on there?" he asked sarcasticlly. He looked down off the side of the ferris wheel cart and hs eyes widened. "OMG! It's Liam and Niall from One Direction!" he gasped like a teenage girl.

We both started laughing and then Harry stopped. "Hey, whats your name?"

"Ingrid. Ingrid Everleigh." I told him.

"Thats a really pretty name." he said thoughtfully. "And it would look really good in my phone." he handed me his iPhone.

"You want my number?"

"No Ingrid, I want your shrimp cocktail. Yes, I want your number!"

I punched it in and he looked at it admiringly. "Beautiful." he teased.


My heart froze, and I felt Hary tense up beside me too.

I looked down and felt about forty pairs of eyes staring up at me. "As long as this ride is broken and frozen we'll be okay-"

We started moving around the wheel and Harry's green eyes winced shut. "Spoke to soon." When we reached the ferris wheel's bottom and we got off the ramp, Harry hoisted me on to his back and my hands wrapped around his neck as he stared running to the parking lot.

The whole while, Zayn, or Louis, was staring at us, and he lifted down his sungasses and i recognized the cool blue/green eyes.

"For God's sake, Louis, come on!" Harry yelled.

Louis grabbed Zayn's arm and they ran behind Harry, with me riding on his back. A big long white limo was a couple feet in front of us and Harry shoved me in, and the door slammed shut and everyhing was pretty quiet.

"Is everyone okay?" Louis laughed. "I felt like i was about to be trampled."

Zayn held up one shoe, and we saw a fan outside holding the other pair and kissing it. "God I love our fans." he said with a dreamy sigh. "I hope she keeps that shoe forever."

"Are you alright?" Harry asked me from behind.

I realized i was on his lap and i quickly got off. I probably weighed a ton and a half. "S-sorry."  sputtered.

"No worries, you weigh a little less than a feather."

I wish i could focus on the compliment but i couldn't. A pretty heavy feather, I thought to myself hardly.

"You guys are in so much trouble." said the limo driver as he began driving. "Seriously Siimon's going to kill you. And the best part is that we have some random girl with us. What do I do with her?!"

"She isnt some girl, Pete." Harry snapped at the limo driver. "Her name is Ingrid Everleigh."

"And where am i bringing her?" he asked glaring at the curly-haired boy.

Before Harry could reply, Niall burst into gibberish. "I met the most amazing girl today, her name is Ellie Anderson, and oh, my, gosh, she is so cute and ice and sweet and hot and funny and she's everything im looking for!"

"And this other girl, Lacey, she's seriously the prettiest girl, and shes kind and shes cool, and she's really funny!" Liam said dreamily.

Louis and Zayn exchanged smiles and started talking in girly voices, "Omg we met a boy named Joey, and hes sweet and caring and nice and thoughtfu-"

"ENOUGH!" roared Pete. "Where am i taking the girl?"

"Who's 'the girl?' Because the only girls in the car are Ingrid and Louis." Harry said.

"Hey...." Louis said angrily.

"Fine, where am i taking Ingrid?"

"I should be getting back to my friends, there probably worried sick." I said, my voice sounding a bit higher and girlier than i hoped. Nerves, probably.

"Okay, take her back home, whats you adress, love?" Harry asked me.

I told him and in a couple minutes the limo was in front of my house. I opened the door to get out and Harr followed. "I'll walk her out." Harry announced, walking up my driveway.

When we reached my porch he leaned in and pressed his ips aganst my cheeks. "I'll be seeing you real soon, okay?" he whispered.

"Okay." I replied. He opened the door softly and I walked inside, watching him prance back to the limo with a big smug smile on his face

AN - hellllooooo, this is chapter three and tbh, im pretty happy about it. If you want to be featured in the story as the girlfriend of Zayn, or Louis, or Joey ( XD ) just tell me! Thanks for reading, fan, vote, and comment :) Also, check out shipsandcarrots 's story "Hey there Delilah." its so amazayn! Bye!

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