Chapter 18 (epilogue)

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"MASON STYLES GET YOUR BUM DOWNSTAIRS RIGHT NOW!" I yelled, putting my 15-year-old son's lunch in a brown paper bag.

"Coming!" Mason came downstairs with his bag slung over his shoulder and his brown bouncy curls jumping around on his pale forehead.

"Do you have everyhting you need? Math, science, chorus?"

He rolled his eyes and smiled. "YES MOM!"

"Good. Where's Darcy?"

"Upstairs I assume." he said nodding towards the stair case.

"DARCY!" I yelled.

Harry came downstairs, holding our three-year-old  daughter in his arms as she slept peacefully. "Bloody hell, Mason can you be any louder? You'll wake up Darce."

"Sorry." Mason said softly kissing the top of his little sisters's nose. "Bye Darcy, love you. Bye mom, bye Dad."

I turned to Harry softly rocking Darcy in his strong arms. He kissed her forehead as e watched Mason run out the door to some people.

Harry laid Darcy down on the couch and poured me a shot of alcohol. I frowned at him in disapprovance and he shrugged with a smikr. He handed me a shot glass and said, "To our beautiful family and beautiful last years, and to many more to come."

"Bottoms up." I giggled and we clinked the small shot glasses and drank.

The End

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