Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"I still cant believe that of all the people we could have run into, we ran into One Direction!" Lacey chimed as she bit into her muffin.

I nodded lowly as I looked down at the blueberry buiscit Tom had just brought me. I really wasnt hungry.

"Are you okay?" Joey asked giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

Flashback from a couple minutes ago back at Ingrid's house

"YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF CRAP, YOU'RE THE REASON YOUR STUPID MOTHER LEFT US!" My dad screamed as he pushed me against the wall with his strong arms.

"I...I'm so sorry!" I sputtered.

"SORRY ISNT GOING TO BRING YOU MOTHER BACK! OR CHARLIE!" he lowered his voice. "It should have been you."

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain connect with my collarbone and echo through my body. I whimpered in pain.

He droped my weak body and I fell to the floor, tears streaming down my face. He left the house slamming the door behind him.

End of flashback

"Hello? Earth to Ingrid! I said, are you okay?"Joey asked, snapping his fingers in front of her eyes.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled, avoiding his questioning eyes.

"Okay, then." he said, unconvinced.


I looked up to see Tom's big blue eyes staring at me. "Someone in the back wants to see you." he whispered.

I got up with a raised eyebrow and followed him through the kitchen and behind the shop. I almost backed away a little bit when i saw a big white van with black windows. Isnt this the part where a strange man comes out and pounds you to a pulp?

The car door opened and I sent panicing eyes to Tom.

The door opened and none other than the Harry Styles walked out the door. "Hello!" he grinned walking up to me.

"H-Hi." I said with wide eyes. "How'd you know I was here?"

"I saw Joey's tattered up old pick-up and I knew you were friends with him, so I asked Tom if you were here and you were!" he smiled.

"Well, I'm gonna go, see you two later." Tom said awkwardly as he walked through the back door.

"So why'd you come?" I asked.

"Because I thought maybe you and me could hang out." he said shyly.

"Okay." I laughed. He tool my hand and we got into the car and I was surprised to see it was really nice on the inside. As i sat down on one of the seats, I noticed Louis and Zayn were there with two other girls.

"Hey, Ingrid. This is my girlfriend Eleanor, this is Zayn's girlfriend Perrie, and this is Zayn and this is me." Louis said rapidly.

I giggled and the girls beamed at me. "So you're Ingrid?" Perrie asked me.

"Thats me."

"Harry told us alot about you, and you've only met yesterday?" Eleanor asked me.

I blushed and nodded. Before I could respond, the driver, who i recognized as Pete from last night, said, "Where am i taking you guys?"

"Take me and Eleanor to the movies." Louis announced.

"Take me and Princess Perrie to the fair." Zayn claimed.

Everyone, including Pete and I, stared at Harry. "Just take us to my place." He smirked, draping his arm around me.

"Okay." Pete said as he turned the car over a sharp corner.

We arrived in front of a huge house and i gasped. It was about five stories tall and the outside was really vast and covered in plants and flowers. There was a giant pond with a fountain in the front and i could see there was a huge pool in the back.

"You live here?!" I said breathlessly.

He nodded proudly and suddenly his facial expression changed. "WHY ARE NIALL AND LIAM'S CARS IN MY DRIVEWAY?" He yelled to Pete.

Pete shrugged and Harry walked out of the limo and i walked next to him. He unlocked the front door and I held in a gasp of how big and singer-like the house was. It was fit for a king.

"Seriously, Liam, Lacy's right, you do kinda look like a farmer in plaid." I heard a thick irish voice laugh.

"A cute farmer though." I heard a farmiliar girl voice chime.

"Aw thank you." I heard Liam giggle, and then i heard a kissing noise.

"Niall's cuter." I heard another farmiliar voice say.

Was Lacy and Ellie here?

I followed Harry into a huge living room and i saw Lacy in Liam's lap and Ellie's head on Niall's leg and Niall was running his hands through her hair.

"What are you guys doing here?" Harry said impatiently. "Who are they?"

"This is Lacey and this is Ellie." Liam said pointing.

"How did you guys even get in here?" Harry frowned. "I locked the door."

"And left the key in the lock." Liam pointed out.

"What's wrong with your house?" Harry said with a frown.

"If we went there it wouldnt annoy you." Niall laughed.

Harry groaned. "Where are we going to hang out?"

"Somewhere else, we already claimed your living room." Niall said laughing.

Harry sighed and we walked into his kitchen. "So, i guess it kinda seems like i kidnapped you from the coffee shop and stuff. I guess this isnt that good proof that im not a criminal."

I laughed. "No, its fine."

"Its really not, i think i just abducted you from, like your life. Do you have somewhere to be?" Harry said worridly.

"No! It's fine!" I giggled.

"Good." he laughed. "I was going to call you, but Louis took my phone away."


"Because I called him a lady in the car last night, but thats not really the point. I guess your wondering why I like, 'chose' you, hm?"

I nodded. "Because you're trying to convince me you arent a criminal? I know!"

"No, because, well, I think your hot, and also because this." he held up my wrists and flipped them over to the jagged cuts on the insides of my wrists.

I pulled my arms away from him. "Thats not your buisness." I said whispered under my breath.

"Yeah i know." he said gently. "But, I can help you, you know."

"No you cant. No one can. Please don't tell anyone." I begged.

"I wont, I promise." he said, looking really deep into my eyes. "But, please, I really can help you. If it makes you feel any better, you're the prettiest and most fit girl i've seen in a long time, Ingrid."

To a normal girl, yes, that would have helped. But i wasnt normal. I wanted to thank him, but that stupid little voice inside my head told me he was lying.

"Thanks." I said weakly.

AN - yerp. this one is kinda long read, fan, comment, vote.

and read shipsandcarrot 's story hey there delilah

is amazing!


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