Truth II - Gin to Matsumoto

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How to survive. How to make it so those you care about survive. You try to manipulate so that they are relatively safe and you are safe. You use primal instinct, combined with an intellectual brain. That is how you survive, and keep those you care about alive.

Ichimaru Gin looked down on anyone who lost the primal instinct, the drive to live. To him, that was something that signaled that the animal… person… was weak. It was a matter of survival of the fittest.

Thus, he had begun to lob attacks at Kurosaki Ichigo, in rapped fire succession. Of course, the boy questioned if Gin would live, after Aizen was done. Gin's answer was to always, always, fight to the bitter end.

However, instinct and intellect could only go so far, when emotions came into play. As he lobbed attacks, he suddenly felt Rangiku's rieatsu close by, and knew she was in trouble. His tactics then changed, as he felt her dying.

He moved and caught her as she fell. "Ran-chan…"

"Please stop. I don't like it when you kill for the wrong reasons."

"How do you know it is wrong, Ran-chan?" the man stated.

"Because I believe you can help turn the tide. You're all I have left," the woman sighed.

"You've got chibi-taicho," the man stated.

"You and I are family…" Rangiku had a sudden sad look on her face.

"Toshiro is also family," the man stated.

"He's not that baby I lost… I could never ask something as cruel as that of him…"

"Ran… he is the baby you lost. I hid him from Aizen. Forgive me for that."

Matsumoto frowned. "What is there to forgive? I think… it is one of the few times… you've done the right thing."

"I want him to know you as his mother," the ex-shingami stated.

"Then why don't you fight Aizen… please," Rangiku gave him a weak smile.

"Because it is impossible," he gave her the same response he had given Ichigo.

"It's only impossible, if you don't try." Rangiku closed her eyes, her strength having been pushed to the limit.

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