Death VI - Parents

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Nanao stood in her taicho's office, next to her childhood mentor, Lisa. Kyoraku Taicho for once, had a rather glum look on his face. "I'm sorry Lisa. I'll need to get permission, before I can get two fukutaicho," the man stated.

"Taicho, don't worry. Just transfer me to tenth division," Ise stated.

"Kyoraku garnished a disturbed look at this. "Nanao… I don't think Hitsugaya Taicho is ready to pick a new lieutenant."

"I don't care what rank I am. I made a promise to Rangiku, awhile back, and I plan to keep it."

"There is no way, Matsumoto could have foreseen Hitsugaya Taicho needing a new fukutaicho." The eighth division taicho pinched his nose.

Lisa spoke up for her young protégée. "Didn't she say that any rank would do? I have to say, the promise isn't what you think it is."

"Nanao-chan. Care to disclose?"

"Please understand. Hitsugaya Taicho doesn't even know yet. Rangiku was afraid to tell him. This was something she dreaded telling even Gin."

"So… is this something you need to tell him yourself?" Kyoraku asked.

"As his Godmother, yes," Nanao stated, watching as her taicho's jaw dropped.

"Nanao-chan… quit joking around!" the man choked out.

"I don't think she is. As of the Winter War, that small boy became an orphan, as both of his parents died."

"Kyoraku pinched his nose again. "I want to go out drinking…"

"Not until you sight the transfer papers," both females chorused at the same time.

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