Trust II - Eyes

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Matsumoto sat in the fifth division office, staring out the window. As she waited for someone in particular, she happened to think back, to when she last saw that man. His green eyes lacked the mirth and joy, that she happened to have become accustomed to. As it was, relationship wise, she had been the one closest to him.

His teal eyes, had a level of hatred, she had never seen in any one person's eyes before. The eyes sent shivers down her back, and made her feel like she was being chocked by snakes. She felt this even more, when he had stabbed her in the shoulder, and as she lay on the ground, chocking up her own blood. The memory was bitter.

"Rangiku-san?" came the soft voice from the doorway, causing her to look up at the lieutenant of the fifth division squad. "Are you all right?"

"Why haven't you gone to visit taicho? He could really use a visit from you, you know," the female stated firmly.

"Is that why you came?" Momo glanced at the ground, her composure rather nervous.

"Yes. I wanted to know why," Matsumoto stated.

"I can't face him. He's changed. He's changed too much," Momo sighed, going over to her desk and taking a seat.

"What do you mean he's changed? I mean, yes, he's extremely depressed right now, but you wouldn't know that unless you visited him," Rangiku had a frown on her face.

"You wouldn't understand. His eyes were frightening," Hinamori sighed. "Someone I knew very well, stabbed me through the chest. You really wouldn't understand."

Matsumoto got up, and sat on the edge of the small desk, picking up a nut from the bowl, and cracking it open. "Actually, I would understand. I had to look straight into Ichimaru Gin's face, as he told me I was in the way, and as he took his zampaktuo, and stabbed me."

"It's different though," Hinamori stated firmly, a piece of paper scrunching as her grip tightened on it.

"Yes. It was different. Ichimaru Gin broke my trust. Hitsugaya Toshiro, was trying to protect you. There is a major difference," Rangiku tossed the shell into the trash can. "Taicho and Gin, they aren't the same person."

"How can you know! You thought you knew Gin! I thought I knew Toshiro!" Momo burst out.

"The thing is, it isn't a matter of thinking I knew Gin. Truth of the matter, I had known the real him at one point, but somewhere along the line, he just so happened to change." Rangiku picked up another nut. "I have to say, I don't think you've ever really known taicho."

"That isn't true!" Hinamori stated firmly.

"I would say that the Gin I knew, had a good heart, but I also knew from watching him, how cruel he could be. I had known that for a long time." Matsumoto asked, watching Hinamori fidget. "Then, who was the Hitsugaya Toshiro you knew?"

"Toshiro's supposed to be a sweet, innocent kid, who couldn't take care of his own self," Hinamori stated.

"That was all you wanted to see. Taicho can take care of himself, a lot more then you think. He's also not been as innocent of the world around him as you think either. Along with his warm side, he's had a cold side about him, much longer then you think, long before the academy."

"How would you know. I've known him since he was itty bitty," Hinamori stated firmly.

"Do you promise, not to tell taicho what I am going to tell you?" Matsumoto stated, waiting for the girl to nod her head. "I've been watching taicho for a long time. It hasn't just been since he graduated, or he entered the academy, but a long time before. It's one of the reasons I know, taicho is not Gin. He's in fact, far from it."

"I am not sure if I can look at him though."

"He hurts, because he hurt you, even though it was unintentional." Rangiku then got up and headed for the door, giving the fifth division fukutaicho a smile. "Of course, taicho is the one good thing I have in my life, and really the only good thing I can say that has come from that person."

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