Death I - Mother

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There was someone that Ichimaru needed to speak to. He walked through the halls of the fourth division in search of that one person. Due to their immature control of their rieatsu, they were easy to find.

They sat in the bed, letting Hinamori Momo talk and do whatever she pleased. More of, they let her say whatever she wanted, including calling the small boy Shiro=chan. Gin figured that this was their way of healing from the traumatic events that had happened, and hopefully they would.

"Chibi taicho, can I talk to you privately?" the man had a tired look on his face. Two heads turned towards him, and Momo stepped protectively between her foster brother and the silver haired fox face.

"It's all right, Momo nee-san. I need to talk to him anyways… I think," the small boy smiled. It seemed upon learning of his fukutaicho's death, a lot of the ice had broken away, due to being tired mentally over the loss, and trying to keep his feelings at bay.

The female stepped out of the room, and instantly the child's smile fell, and his icy presence returned, as he glared at Gin. "I understand from Kira that the reason Matsumoto fukutaicho is dead, is because she got up and went to see you. If she hadn't moved, she would still be alive. If she had stayed, she might have lived."

"I have to say, that's true. Ran-chan though, was always stubborn. She would have come," the man pulled up a seat.

"But she wouldn't have, if you hadn't sided with Aizen. She's dead because of you." A great deal of hurt was present in the boy's eyes.

"Yes, I was selfish, and only thinking about what I wanted. Turns out there was a lot I've been missing." Gin moved his chair a little closer, to the boy's annoyance.

Toshiro folded his arms across his chest. "What exactly do you want?"

"What reason did you pick Ran-chan for your fukutaicho? I was rather jealous that you picked her, and she couldn't be mine," the man smiled, and leaned on the table with his elbow.

"I put down that she was my mentor, and helped me to decide to go to the academy," the small boy gave him a wary look.

"You told a half-truth then," the man watched as the boy became more upset. "What is your real relationship with her?"

"You know what?" The small boy bristled. "That isn't yours, or anyone else's business." Hitsugaya's fists suddenly went down to clutch the sheets.

"Ichimaru moved from sitting in the chair, to the edge of the bed, which caused the boy to flinch. "Except Rangiku made it her business when she came to me that day. She told me."

"I don't believe you. Why would she tell you of all people?" The boy's voice strained in anger.

"Maybe she wanted someone to take care of you," the man remained close, and he could feel the bed springs move, as the child flinched yet again.

"I can very well take care of myself."

"Sure you can…" Gin shook his head, not believing the child's words.

"Anyways, you were just her classmate. Her best friend is Nanao. Why you, and not her, especially after what you did!" The small boy turned his head away.

"Ran-chan and I never went to the academy together, Shiro-chan. I don't get where you got that idea from."

"That… can't be." Toshiro mulled over the words. "I want to know exactly what she told you! I don't know if you are telling me the truth, that you know our secret."

"Your mother loved you very much," Gin refused to look the boy in the face."

"I know Ran did. I don't need anyone to tell me that! Why did she tell you of all people! The first few years were awkward for one thing. I mean, she also has a bad enough reputation. When I became captain, I asked her to be my fukutaicho, because it meant we could sort of live together as family."

"I'll tell you the reason she told me. It is because it is high time I stopped running away from the things I should be taking care of," gin suddenly reached into his shingami robe, and pulled out a lieutenant's badge.

"Is that…" Toshiro suddenly bristled.

"No… it's mine, Shiro-chan," the man stated, causing the boy to bristle even more. Venom was in his eyes.

"That is a lieutenant's badge for the tenth division. My division. I didn't ask for you! Hell, I'm most definitely not ready to replace Matsumoto!"

"As your fukutaicho or your parent? It was Yamamoto's idea, a way for me to pay for the problems I caused. I'm serving her spot, until you've found someone your compatible with."

"I don't need your help, the boy snapped. It's your fault you know!"

"I know it's my fault," Gin stated. "However, I also know you do need help. You're stuck in bed because you are unable to use your left arm, and your left leg is dead weight below the knee."

"That's because I was injured there," came the grumble.

"And Unohana taicho says it's all psychological that you can't move them, simply because you lack the will to do so. It's because Ran-chan's gone, that you've gotten this way. I'm not going to let you do this to yourself."

Air blew hard through Hitsugaya's nostrils."Not only is that not in your right, but you still haven't answered why she told you."

"I think she'd want me to tell you. I love you, but I can't do that. I can only say I am proud of you, for all you've achieved. Maybe eventually I can say it, once I get to know you better, but truth is, I am still getting used to the idea of having a son."

Ichimaru didn't say anything more, and let the silence remain. After a few minutes of thinking, and almost chocking, Toshiro spoke up, after he had gotten over his initial shock. "So… the reason she told you, was because she wanted you and I to have the relationship we're supposed to have?"

"I think so. I think what she really wanted was for all three of us to be family." Gin's eyes suddenly opened wide, as he felt himself hugged from behind. One of Gin's hands reached up and grasped the small hands. The boy's hugs, were a lot like Ran's. She had said there was nothing of her in the boy, but truth was, Gin saw plenty. A real smile for once, crept across his face.

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