Death IV - Painful

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Hitsugaya Toshiro walked through the halls of the forth division, following behind Unohana Taicho. His eyes had a clouded look to them, and his reiatsu fluctuated wildly. Unohana glanced back at the small taicho. "You need to calm down and relax. Otherwise you'll make yourself sick."

"How can one relax, when they are viewing the dead body of someone that they happen to have a close bond to," Toshiro stated, his mood showing through.

"At least you are admitting for once that you have a bond with someone," the woman smiled. "Though admitting it after the fact, isn't really the best thing.

"Finding a replacement..." The small taicho closed his eyes, as Unohana opened the door to the mortuary. His body suddenly shivered, yet, even though he wished to not have to do this, the fact he was a captain, made it a definite His eyes watched as the forth division captain stepped over to the covered body. He folded his arms across his chest.

"You know, you can step closer, Hitsugaya Taicho," the woman stated, watching as Toshiro stayed where he was. "Though, if you don't feel comfortable..."

"What would you do?" he asked.

"Well, if it was me, if I didn't come close, and take a good look at the person, I would regret it," the woman stated.

Toshiro took a couple of steps forward. "Has he come forward?"

"Don't you mean, has he come to visit her here? He hasn't come," Unohana stated, giving him a sad look. "You know... I could always have a different captain do this."

"She was my fukutaicho," came the chocked response, as he finally stepped next to the table. "I have to do this. Doesn't surprise me that he didn't come. He doesn't care. The only reason he was let off, was because he turned on Aizen. I don't trust him."

"You ready now?" Unohana asked. When the boy nodded , she pulled the sheet back, so that Toshiro could see the person's face. "We cleaned her up. She was rather bloody."

"How did she die?" Toshiro asked, his hand gliding over Matsumoto's body. His eyes suddenly went wide, as he felt a trace of reiatsu at the shoulder area.

"She lost too much blood, simple as that," the female stated.

"Unohana Taicho... did he use his zampaktuo on her?" A look of horror had passed over the small boy's face.

"Hitsugaya Taicho, don't go after him," Unohana taicho forewarned.

"He hasn't been reinstated as a captain, thus it wouldn't be a fight between two captains," the small boy grumbled, his reiatsu flared. He was suddenly turning on his heals and hurrying away, much to the older taicho's dismay.

His steps clattered against the rooftop, the sound reverberating and sounding as hollow as his emotions felt. He sensed around for the man's familiarity, then hurried forward. He pulled out his zampaktuo, and attempted to swing it down, only to have it clang against the shorter zampaktuo. The man spoke up, his tone rather dry. "I don't have time for your games, Hitsugaya Taicho."

"Can you tell me, Ichimaru Gin, if you hadn't stabbed her, that she wouldn't be alive!" the small boy roared.

As the silver haired man sat on the edge of the roof, he suddenly sprung up, grabbing the small boy by the throat, and forcing him hard to the roof. His other hand used his zampaktuo to hit the ice dragon away from Toshiro's hand. "Shiro-chan, repeat what you just said."

"Eherh," the small boy let out. His two teal eyes suddenly reflected a fear, that they rarely, if ever showed. However, that quickly left, and the two eyes began to water, unintentionally. The boy swallowed hard.

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