Trust I - Explaining

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"You're in the way," Matsumoto sat in the medical room, remembering the last words Gin had ever said to her. She shivered, as she thought of how much trust the man had broken with her. She grasped the sheets tightly. No news of what happened to Gin, came to her. However, at this point, she found knowledge not something she wanted.

"Why? Why did I hold out the belief that Gin had good in his heart?" She asked herself. Why, truth be told, had she gone after the man. Her stomach ached, reminding her of the main reason why she had always never fully given up, until now. The pain felt, wasn't for the same reason as she had felt before. However, she closed her eyes.

She felt bitter, that she had overlooked that one thing. Truth of the matter was, there was something she should have been thinking of more. Carefully, she pushed back the sheets, and tiptoed out of the room, her senses picking up on the small reflections of reiatsu. She gave a smile, thinking of how calming, being able to feel that wild reiatsu was to her.

She stepped into the room, where she saw her small taicho propped up against the headboard, sleeping away. However, as she stepped in, he startled awake. His eyes were dim, half lidded. "Rangiku?"

"Hello taicho... little one," the woman smiled, stepping over and sitting next to him, taking his small hand in hers gently. His eyes were the same color as that mans, except brighter, and filled with more light, and hope, even though some seemed to have left due to the things going on.

"You saw him again, didn't you," the small boy asked, tilting his head to the side. "It didn't end well, did it?"

Matsumoto closed her eyes, suddenly remembering the last time she had looked into that man's eyes. She had always remembered them being more cheerful, more full of life. However, this time around, they had been filled with a darkness, a hatred. "No... it didn't go well."

"Matsumoto..." the small boy paused. "Is there a reason you came to see me?"

"I just..." Rangiku opened her eyes, remembering she had never told her small taicho the truth, about how he was her little one. "I just wanted a chance to remember the few good memories he left me."

Toshiro tilted his face slightly. "Ran... is there something that you need to tell me. You're... acting weird."

The female gave him a weak smile. "Do you know how I found you so easily the second time that day?"

"You followed my reiatsu, simple as that," Toshiro sighed, placing his free hand on top of hers.

"Taicho... I was looking in on you, before your reiatsu even started to flair. Did you ever wonder, how your granny happened to have a few coin, to feed you and Momo by?" Matsumoto glanced away, wondering how he would take this news.

His mouth opened, then closed. His eyes, which were wide and child like, defaulted to his more mature look. "Rangiku, are you telling me, you're the one who left me with grandma. I thought I died and came to soul society."

"I know I should have told you sooner, but..." Rangiku paused, suddenly biting her lip.

"I get it. You didn't want me to think badly of you. I am a little disappointed that you didn't tell me, but you had your reasons." Hitsugaya pulled his hand away, and placed them behind his head.

"It's not me that I didn't want you to feel badly about. Now, I could care less, I guess." A tear fell down the woman's cheek. "I really don't care anymore."

Again, the small boy's mouth opened, then closed. "Matsumoto... I..." However, the white haired taicho stopped. "How much like him, am I?"

At this, Rangiku took a deep breath. "Taicho..."

"Toshiro... we're speaking private, so titles aren't needed. It will take some time getting used... to things." Hitsugaya glanced at the foot of the bed. "How much like him, am I?"

Rangiku closed her eyes. "You... you are the one good thing that ever, ever came about from that man."

"You never did find out, why he was following Aizen, did you?" Toshiro asked, his mouth frowning.

"No, I didn't. I don't have the answers I need," Matsumoto sighed.

Suddenly, she felt two small hands, pulling on her robes, using it as a way to pull himself up. Toshiro then wrapped around her. "I promise... I won't do something like that to you."

Rangiku wrapped her arms around the small boy, and began to sob into his shoulder.

07/21/10- It's been awhile... still have a few ideas to put out.

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