Chapter 3 Easy

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Love was never meant to be easy, and even Regina knew it was the most powerful magic of all. This, however, was not what she was prepared for. 

She felt her heart flutter around Robin, but she felt her heart swell with peace and joy with Killian. 

Regina raced to her office, refusing to let certain members of the town see her this way. Slamming the door, she sank down behind it, and started to cry, burying her face against her arms and knees.

Robin Hood couldn't help but turn to the former fairy and discuss his own feelings. 

"I do feel for her, and I do feel I love her, but.... there's something missing," Robin told her. Tinkerbell listened and felt sad for Regina, all of them really, given they were all put into this situation. 

Hook makes his way to Regina's office, and gently knocks on the door. 

"Regina..." he breathes, and she lifts her head at the sound of his voice. "I know you're in there, and you don't have to open the door, just listen to me..." he said gently.

"I don't want to cause you pain, I don't want to take away anything, I don't want to leave town, unless you wish me to. Otherwise, I'll stay and be patient and let you decide. All I know is what my heart feels, and it's always seemed to lead me to you, I just wanted you to know that," He said.

Touching the glass with his hand, he paused there a moment. Regina stared at the large hand on the other side of the glass, and slowly reached for it, only letting her finger tips get close to the glass, before he left. 


"Hey, where's Regina, we have a problem?" Emma said. Killian was occupying himself at darts when he overheard, "What?" he asked.

"Well, the person who cast the curse and erased our memories a year, was her half sister Zelena, the wicked witch, and she's now missing," David said. 

Killian turned quickly, heading out, "Where are you going?" David asked. "To Regina of course." he said. 

While the others hatch a plan to find Zelena, she's already causing trouble, controlling Rumple, as well as kidnapping someone. 

"Well," She smiles, looking over Robin, tied up in the trunk. "Now, when you kiss Regina, your precious soulmate, all her magic will be gone, get to it, or that little boy of yours becomes my next pet," Zelena warned. 

The group gets to Regina's office, "Hook," she stands, as he enters first. 

"We have a problem," Emma follows behind, "What?" Regina sighs and can't help stare at the Captain before her.

"Your sister is missing," David entered. Regina begins to say something, as Robin comes in, "No she's not," He reveals. 

Killian shifts awkwardly as Robin steps to Regina. "She's here, somewhere near the forest," Robin said. 

"Uhh ok, Emma, take Hook and go look for it, we still don't know where Rumple is, and I'm sure she's behind that," Regina said. 

Hook pauses a moment and stares at Regina, and Robin, before nodding, "As you wish," he agreed, reluctantly leaving. 

"I have to get to Roland," Robin said in a hurry, before leaving as well. 

Hook accompanies Emma towards the edge of the forest. "So that's .... difficult, with you three," Emma said. 

"Yeah well, I'm sure you know as much as I that love is never easy, I'm sorry about Neal by the way, I cared for him a lot," Hook admits. "Yeah, we haven't seen Rumple since then, so Regina is probably right that Zelena has something to do with that," Emma said.

"Hmm, a farmhouse, you have to appreciate the irony," Emma observes. 

Hook and Emma pace around the quiet abode, "Who do you suppose locks a cellar?" Emma points. 

"Someone with flying monkeys?" Hook shrugs. "Or.... someone hiding the dark one," Emma picks up gold straw. 

In Granny's, the entire group gathers. 

"Ok so we go in there together, Belle, you're the one he would listen to," David said. "Not if he's under her control," Hook states. 

"She's his true love," Robin argues. "Do you want my advice or not? The dark one is controlled by a dagger, that's obviously what she's doing which means she can control him to hurt anyone, even Belle," Killian said.

"Well when you view the worst in.." Robin begins. "Not all of us are as noble as others," Killian scoffs. "Ok you two, Not now," Regina snaps. 

"Hook is right about Rumple and the dagger," Regina said. Killian slightly puffed hearing her agree with him. 

"I'll make this easy!" Zelena bursts into Granny's. Killian draws his sword, Robin his bow. 

"If my Evil little sister doesn't face me tonight, then you all have to deal with the dark one," She flaunts the shining Dagger at them all. 

"And what are you going to do with me?" Regina grins. "I'm going to destroy you if I can," Zelena said. 

Regina smiles, pushing between the thief and the pirate, "Bring it greenie," Regina smiles. 

As Zelena leaves, the group stares at Regina. 

"You can't just go and sacrifice yourself," Emma said. "Oh please you think she can beat me? My mother taught me all the tricks, not her, I know what I'm doing," Regina said. 

"The question is what is She doing?" David asked. "I think I can answer that for you," Tinkerbell enters. 

"What?" Regina asked. "She's taken things that all match an ancient spell that's never been successful by anyone in our time," Tink said. "What kind of spell?" Emma asked.

"Back in time, she wants to go back in time probably to destroy Regina even existing," Tinkerbell said.

Killian felt his heart sink in worry. "Ok so let's go everyone to your corners, and Henry stay with Emma, Robin go to Roland," Regina instructed everyone to shuffle out. 

Hook followed her, "And Hook," she turns, practically running into his chest. 

"Yes?" He asked. 

"I need you to do something you're good at," she said. "What's that?" He asked. "Be a pirate," she said. 

Hook watched as Regina gently removed her own heart, and handed it to him. "You're giving me your heart?" He asked. "Who better to protect it than a pirate... who..." She didn't finish her last sentence. 

He smiled gently, and nodded. With her heart physically in Hook's hand, Regina felt a warmth, "Thank you," She said with a sigh. 

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