Chapter 2

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Later in the day, while the flock was eating their second meal, a predator lurked about, it was a ground hawk. It went undetected for several minutes before more showed up and were seen. The large parrots on lookout duty spotted the ground hawks, and started screaming.
The birds foraging on the ground heard and immediately started flying to safety. The ground hawks ran out to the open and started catching birds. Whistle was caught by a young ground hawk. FeatherWeight, not thinking, went to his aid. She dive bombed the gound hawk and it released Whistle. A larger bird came down and took Whistle to the medic while FeatherWeight got herself to safety.
After all the ground hawks had left, FeatherWeight did role call, and announced that they had lost six birds. After the moment of silence for the fallen, FeatherWeight went to check on Whistle.
"That was stupid." Whistle said, hearing FeatherWeight approach. "You could have been killed."
"So could you." FeatherWeight said.
"The flock wouldn't have an alpha if you died, a beta like me could be replaced in a heartbeat." Whistle said.
"Well guess what, you have been saved." FeatherWeight said. "If it wasn't still young and in training I wouldn't have done it."
Whistle turned to look at her. "You didn't have to do that."
"I didn't have to, but I wanted to." She said. "It is my duty to make sure the flock stays safe, and that includes you."
Whistle was silent.
"Whether you like it or not." FeatherWeight said. "You are a part of this flock, and that will never change."

Back in River Canyon, Rockwing flock was having a little problem with a neighboring flock. Jordan, Hollywing alpha, was demanding a trade. Lucky didn't have what she wanted and couldn't trade, but Jordan insisted on trading.
"Look, listen, we don't have berry fries right now." Lucky said. "They aren't in season."
"We know you have some, you always have plenty of them growing here, just give me some and I'll be on my way." Jordan said. "If you still refuse than there will be consequences."
Not even a day has gone by and Lucky was already getting the flock into trouble.
Hollywing was known to be obsessive over trading and would often be temporarily banned from trading.
Former alpha, Lapis, felt sorry that Lucky had to deal with this on his first day of leadership.
Jordan lashed out at him, and the rest of Rockwing flock got involved. Lapis whispered to him.
"Jordan, your flock is banned from trading for the next two nesting seasons." Lucky said.
"I declare war on Rockwing!" Jordan shouted.
All of Rockwing started muttering.
Lucky has doomed his flock.
"You've doomed us all in less than a day." Someone shouted from afar."
Lucky was ashamed.

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