Chapter 7

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"We surrendered" Lucky said, looking out over his dead flock mates.
"Yes, you did." Jordan said. "But I wanted to kill off the rest of the flock."
Lucky looked at Jordan. "What are you going to do with me?"
"I'm going to leave you by yourself." Jordan replied. "You'll die on your own."
Jordan called to her flock and took them back to their territory.
Lucky looked back to those who didn't fight, they were furious at him for not backing down sooner.
"It's not my fault." Lucky said. "She didn't listen when I surrendered."
Everyone turned away from him, going back to their usual routine.
Lucky sat by himself, he knew they wanted to get rid of him, he was ashamed of himself.
Opal came up to Lucky. "Sorry we couldn't come sooner."
"It's okay, Jordan would have killed your flock too." Lucky said.
"She wouldn't fight Jewelwing flock." Opal said. "I use to be a member of that flock, it was believed that I died during bad storm. I lived and went on to become the leader of a new flock."
"Why wouldn't she fight you?" Lucky asked. "You didn't return to her flock."
"I was going to be the next alpha of that flock, I grew up side by side with Jordan." Opal replied. "We were best friends, but after I went missing Jordan because alpha. She changed, became greedy, and aggressive with others."
"Is that why you didn't want to show up?" Lucky asked. "You couldn't face the fact that your friend was corrupted by leadership?"
"That was part of the reason we didn't show." Opal said. "We didn't show up because our trade with Snowwing flock didn't happen. We kept waiting, but they never showed."
"Snowwing didn't show up for a trade? That's not like them." Lucky said.
"It's not." Opal replied. "Which lead me to believe that they are either under attack, or in quarantine. We can't send someone to check, that would risk our flock."
"I could go check." Lucky said.
"No, you have a flock to take care of." Opal said.
"They want me dead." Lucky replied. "I can go check it out."
"You don't have to." Opal said. "You can make up for what happened. They just need to learn how to trust you. Flocks don't do so well with new alphas, give them time to adjust."

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