Chapter 5

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"Doesn't look like an attack." Tilly, the medic, said. "No wounds, they clearly died suddenly."
"But why?" Clicky asked.
Being alpha of Snowwing, Clicky wanted to make sure the rest of her flock was safe.
"Maybe an illness." Tilly said. "If so, it's clearly dangerous and goes undetected. The rest of the flock will have to be quarantined."
"A flock has never had to quarantine before." Clicky said. "There is no way to warn other flocks of the quarantine."
"If they die it's their own fault." Tilly said. "Shouldn't care about the others, the flocks are rivals after all."
Clicky looked off into the distance. "Yes, but..."
"Let the others die." Tilly interrupted.
"No, they aren't doing anything to harm us right now." Clicky said, looking back to Tilly.
"We still need to quarantine the flock, keep you away from them." Tilly said. "We don't need to lose our alpha."
"You're right." Clicky said. "Tell Icy that she is in charge until farther noticed."
"Can do, alpha." Tilly said.
Clicky went into isolation until her quarantine period was up, then she'd go get help from another flock.
Clicky would have to wait for a full month before she can get help.
She'd wait in the far eastern corner of Snowwing territory, away from the rest of flock.
While no flock has ever been in quarantine, the alphas were all aware of the possibility and knew what to do. Until the cause of all the deaths were determined no one, other than the alpha, would be allowed out of the territory. Clicky can leave after a month because she wouldn't be around the rest of the flock which means she won't be at risk every day, unlike the others. If an illness truly caused the deaths, the rest of the flock could be at risk, and they won't be able to detect it so they will die. The only risk to Clicky is the risk of attack. There is power in numbers, that is so very true for birds since they are small, easy prey, especially when they are by themselves.
Clicky sat on top of a large evergreen tree, it wasn't quite like the flock tree, but it would do. She now had to forage by herself, the most dangerous thing a bird could do. Flock alphas are chosen by their predecessors, alphas can't die of old age, but can die of illness or if killed by another flock or ground predators. Clicky could live on to lead many generations, or she could die now if infected or attacked. She didn't want her leadership to end yet.

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