Chapter 10

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"YOU ARE A DISGRACE!" Ellie yelled.
"Be nice." Elvis said.
"No, being nice is what got us into this mess." Ellie replied, gesturing towards the rest of the flock.
"It's not my fault we had a good nesting season." Elvis said.
"No, it's not." Ellie admitted. "But it is your fault we lost land that could have been used to help raise the young."
"You know I avoid confrontations." Elvis said.
"Exactly why you are being kicked out of the flock." Ellie said.
Elvis was shocked. "You can't kick me out of my flock. I am the Alpha."
"And they picked the wrong bird." Ellie replied. "You are not alpha material."
"If the past alphas chose me then I must be good." Elvis said. "I was chosen for a reason, Ellie."
Ellie looked back to the flock, and waited a couple minutes before turning her attention back to Elvis.
"Get out." Ellie said. "It is in everyone's best interest that you leave."
Elvis, wanting to avoid a fight, took his leave.
While the flock hated him, they did give him a proper farewell, and he was banned from Thunder Cliffs.
Elvis had to find somewhere else to live, which would mean going to the other flock's alphas for help.

Meanwhile, Lucky was on his way to Thunder Cliffs, to see if Stormwing would take him in. The only thing in his way was Cloudtop Mountains, Snowing territory. Little did he know that they were in quarantine.
Opal had talked to him about the possibility, but he had forgotten in the mess of things. She had advised him to go around Cloudtop Mountains, but he didn't, he went though.
While in Cloutop Mountains Lucky saw a great deal of dead birds, all of them were Snowing members.
Lucky didn't understand what had happened at first, seeing no signs of a fight, then he remembered what Opal had told him.
Lucky knew he was now in trouble, he had been exposed to the disease, and couldn't leave the territory.
He wondered if anyone was still alive, then there was an alarm call.
The bird flew down to confront Lucky.
"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" She asked.
"I'm Lucky, ex-alpha of Rockwing." Lucky replied. "I was heading to Thunder Cliffs."
"Well, we are in quarantine." She said. "You can't leave now."
"Yeah, I realized that after seeing all the dead bodies." Lucky said.
"Come, I will take you our flock tree." She said. "You will have to be quarantined with us."
Lucky nodded and followed the Snowing member to the flock tree. It was dying, leaves were turning brown, branches were weak and would often break or fall. Lucky was reluctant to go near the tree.
"Have you considered it to be food poisoning?" Lucky asked.
"There are symptoms to food poisoning." She replied. "There are no symptoms to this. Not to mention food poisoning will pass, this just kills."
"Could it have something to do with your flock tree?" Lucky asked. "It looks awful."
"There is no correlation between the disease and the tree." She said.
Lucky looked at the other birds, all seemed healthy except one.
"What's up with that bird?" Lucky asked gesturing towards the sickly one.
"Who?" She asked.
"The lutino lovebird." Lucky replied.
"Peach." She said. "There is nothing wrong with peach."
Lucky took a closer look, Peach was acting fine, but there was something about her that made him uneasy.

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