Chapter 12

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Skittles was left alone at the far end of the Vano Keys, away from the flock. Her flock, Sunwing, was suffering sudden loses, birds showing no signs of illness died suddenly during the night. With no evidence of an attack, they were left to quarantine the flock and separate their alpha, leaving her vulnerable. Skittles thought about it, thinking she wouldn't survive by herself. She also thought about how this was the first time a flock had to quarantine. Little did she know that Snowwing was quarantined for the same reason. Birds suddenly dropping dead, no signs of illness or injury.

Meanwhile, in Tiedup Jungle, Chrissy was having a little chat with his second in command, Sunny.
"We haven't heard from her in days. Sunny said. "You can't just sit here and do nothing."
"I can't do anything." Chrissy replied. "What if she's stuck in quarantine with another flock?"
"You know full well that no flock as ever quarantined." Sunny replied. "She's probably help captive."
"Or she could have been killed." Chrissy said. "That is a risk massengers take. Everyone knows we can't survive by ourselves."
"Exactly why we need knew rules." Sunny said. "Send two, or three messengers."
"We can't risk losing more than one flock member." Chrissy said.
"We will lose less messengers if we send them in groups." Sunny said.
Chrissy hopped onto a nearby branch, he looked out at Junglewing flock, feeding on what little food they had.
There was nothing but silence for a moment.
"We lose birds quicker when we have to replace the messenger so often." Sunny said, breaking the silence.
"This isn't about how the messengers." Chrissy said. "It's about Rey. She's my sister, I want to know that she's okay."
"We can send someone out to find her." Sunny said.
"And if she's in quarantine?." Chrissy asked. "We will never find out."
"A flock has never been in quarantine." Sunny said. "Who's to say they are starting now?"
"Who's to say they aren't?" Chrissy asked. "We aren't the only ones to lose contact with Snowwing. Something is up."
"It's probably just a coincidence." Sunny said. "I'll arrange a rescue team."
"If you believe that the flocks aren't in quarantine then you go." Chrissy said. "No one else, just you."
"You can't expect me to go by myself." Sunny said.
"Honestly, after all this, I hope you don't return." Chrissy said. "I will find a new beta."

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