Chapter 13

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When we last saw SkyWing their alpha Featherweight had disappeared, supposedly trading with another flock. Whistle waited for what felt like forever, waiting to hear of any news of her whereabouts. A week after the attack had happened Whistle's health took a turn for the worse. With their beta in critical condition, and no sign of their alpha, they were left to follow a temporary alpha. The alphas siblings were always trained for this kind of circumstance, Grey was the last remaining member from Featherweight's family, he took over the flock, sending out search teams every so often. Those teams always came back with no new information. He checked on Whistle's condition every day, not wanting to be flock alpha. Grey felt pressured as temporary alpha, and he just wanted his sister back.
Grey went to check on his kids. Grey's mate Topaz had passed away, leaving him to care for the eggs and then the chicks. The sky blue pied budgie approached the next, Claire the nest sitter was feeding them. The elderly bourke looked at Grey.
"How's it going?" Claire asked in between feedings.
"I hate being alpha." Grey replied. "I just want Featherweight to come back."
"We all do." Claire said.
There was a  moment of silence.
"Not to say that you aren't doing a good job." Claire said. "She trained you well. You are doing a good job."
"Don't try to cheer me up." Grey said.
Grey stayed with the kids for a couple minutes before returning to his duties.

Meanwhile, in Rock Canyon, Featherweight was making herself comfortable. She had left her flock due to stress. She had a crush on Whistle, but as an alpha she was forbidden to have a mate. She didn't want to see him in pain, so she had left. She wanted to return home, but she was lost. Now she afraid that Whistle wouldn't pull through, and wanted to check in on him. She had to wait for someone to find her, so she decided to make a comfortable hiding spot. She found a small hole in a tree, it was obvious it was abandoned. She cleared out the spiders and other bugs, and added soft leaves and sticks to make a temporary nest. She would spend most of her day in there, only leaving to find food and water. She cleaned out her nest, replacing the leaves everyday to keep her little hiding hole clean. Not wanting to stray far from her hole she hardly ever found food. When she did find food she rationed it, making the most of what she managed to find. She figured that HollyWing flock cleared out the territory since RockWing was no where to be found. She found it unnerving to be alone somewhere in Rock Canyon.

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