Chapter 9

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Day three of things going wrong.

Skywing lost their alpha.

Snowwing losing more flock members as they desperately search for answers.

Seawing finally found feeding grounds that weren't overrun with predators.

Stormwing getting ready to kick Elvis out.

Junglewing started losing flock members due to starvation.

Hollywing was still celebrating their victory by raiding Rockwing territory.

Jewelwing alpha was hiding secrets from the rest of the flock.

Rockwing had kicked Lucky out and is looking for a temporary alpha.

Sunwing was the second flock to go into quarantine, isolating their alpha.

Opal, Jewelwing alpha, was speaking with Lucky.
"I was kicked from the flock." Lucky said.
"How can a flock kick their alpha?" Opal asked. "They should understand that new alphas are targets for Jordan and her flock."
"Most of Rockwing died." Lucky said. "They blame me, even though I surrendered. Jordan just didn't stop attacking."
"Everyone is afraid to blame Jordan and her flock." Opal said. "They would rather follow her than disagree with her. Even then they don't want to follow her."
There was a moment of silence.
"Look, I can't take you into my flock, but I might know someone who can." Opal said. "Stormwing alpha, Elvis, is very sweet. He might let you stay with his flock."
"And if he doesn't?" Lucky asked.
"If he doesn't then I don't know what to do." Opal said. "Skywing could be a second choice, but I wouldn't bet on it."

Authors note:
Sadly, Skittles (inspiration for Sunwing alpha) passed away last month.
I am looking at getting this story finished so I can start book 2, since I have added new birds to my flock (yay, more alphas!) They will be hinted towards at the end of this book.

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